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We saw from yesterdays massive rally. The nasdaq, as you see down. 1 of percent from the s p. It all marks 30th anniversary of black monday. That was the Big Stock Market crash. First lets get to our top story, the president tweeting on tax reform, and i quote, republicans are going for the big budget approval. I think we have the votes but who knows. Lets go to our own adam shapiro who is standing by with the very latest this is opportunity for republicans to come together. You have likes of senator john mccain and susan call lines and rand paul. Are they getting on board here . Reporter all but rand paul who says he is no for the budget resolution when it comes up for a vote. Well see if he sticks to that, because he is opposed to continued spending without paying for spending. Collins and murkowski are leaning toward yes, but collins who said she will vote yes. They want to get tax reform and get to debate. We can get to that later. President trump is optimistic they will pass the budget resolution tonight. You have only rand paul publicly saying no. He is coming here on tuesday for lunch with republican senators. Then the push will be on tax reform. Here is what he said about tonights vote. The budget is probably going fairly late tonight. They will be working late tonight. Could be one of those morning calls, youre watching your television at 3 00 in the morning. It could be sooner than that. I think we have the votes. Right after budget we start with vote as you know on tax cuts. I think were in very good shape. Reporter trish, the expectation it will be sooner. Now there is Something Else playing out here on senate this afternoon. Look at live shot from the Senate Chambers because Lamar Alexander within the last hour introduced legislation that was cosponsored by patty murray the democrat and 24 in total senators, republicans and democrats that would have the twoyear temporary fix to the funding of the obamacare exchanges, and subsidies to Insurance Companies to help low income americans buy lower cost premiums. Here is what senator alexander said about that. I predict that this agreement that were suggesting today, with 24 senators will become law in some fashion before the end of the year. I think most senators and most house members will be looking around for a solution when they consider the consequences of a failure to act. Reporter there are a lot of hurdles for that legislation regarding health care to get crossed. First you have paul ryan over in the house. He doesnt want to deal with health care again. He is telling everyone, especially in the senate, stick to tax reform. Focus on tax reform. After tonight, trish, the focus will be tax reform. Back to you. Trish wow, thank you, good, thank you so much. Joining me right now republican strategist, Evan Siegfried and civic forum pac chairman, ford oconnell. Good to see you both. Well, lets just say this, we have been down this road before. We are promised it will happen and it hasnt. I do think tax reform is different because i think the president is passionate about this the way he didnt care quite as much as about repeal and replace on tax reform. He gets it. I guess the question, will it really happen . Can it really happen this year . Well, it can happen this year, but first we got to get this budget through because the budget actually will set markers and baseline for tax reform because most likely, if and when tax reform does go through it is going to be on a Straight Party vote. To do that you have to get budget reconciliation. President trump knows stakes of the game. He wants to put money back in the hands of hardworking americans. He wants to boost jobs and boost wages and only way we can do that is tax reform. Weve been running the same playbook since 1986, if we dont modernize it well behind the rest of the world. Trish evan. I agree with ford. We need the budget passed like a for a moral victory. Like a Football Team has gone 06 we need a victory. We heard whispers from members of the white house, dont be surprised if it is done in the early 2018. I think there are some questions that republicans have especially in places likes new york, where there are issues in the tax package such as the city and state deduction and elimination of that, that they want to have fixed. Otherwise new yorkers will get triple taxed. Trish what evan is familiar with viewers, salt, state and local taxes. The way it currently works, if you live in new york and pay 4 to the city and pay 9 to the state, youre able to deduct that from the overall rate youre paying to the federal government. What winds up happening, essentially, well, new york is getting a bit of a subsidy, right . Because the folks in texas, theyre not paying the state and local income taxes. And so, essentially, you got texas, new hampshire, or florida, that are on the hook for some of the higher expenses we have in places like new york, new jersey, california. But at same time i hear you, evan, i hear you that nobody wants to give the money back. Look, i dont want to either. I live in new york. I like being able to deduct that. But i dont necessarily think it is right. As new yorkers we pay more in taxes to the federal government than other states. We receive less back in benefits. Dont you think it should be equal benefits. Trish no, lets be fair. Ford, you take a stab at this. Lets be absolutely fair. You have gotten yourself into a situation where places are getting their own spending desires subsidized by likes of other places. That is exactly right. Generally salt, state and local tax exempt benefits states like illinois, new york, new jersey, california. Trish blue states, by the way, taking money and spending it as they see fit. Exactly right. State federal dollars from texas and florida, are basically subsidizing it. Youre getting two stabs at it. Leaving the rest of us on the hook. Evan, i see your point. At same time we have very few republican members, what the republican members say in new jersey and pennsylvania and we dont have any senators from new jersey. Trish i dont think the salt thing will fly. We already heard from peter king, congressman in new york, heard from a whole bunch of folks well not lose the tax deductions, no way, jose. It will be a sticking point. Evan, maybe that pushes it out beginning of next year. Good to see you. We have a lot going on right now. Markets down 14 points. Were making our way back to the flat line after being down lower earlier in the session. So that is good news. The decline however, it has been led by tech, apple, google, facebook, amazon all in the red today. After reports that show apple cut orders for new iphone 8, causing a ripple through the entire tech sector. The tech sector is one of the worst performing. We have liz peek from the fiscal times and our own Nicole Petallides live on new york stock exchange. Nicole, 23,000. Congratulations, said, tweeted out 23k, on the dow, he mad your report talking about that very big monumental level. So, is this sort of normal pullback . I dont know if we can call it a pullback, were just down 15 right now . Thanks, trish. Here at fox business we keep a keen eye on markets. We love it. We love it for all the folks with 401 k s and iras. We closed above that 23,000 mark yesterday. That is the fourth 1000 milestone this year. That being said, we have mixed bag of earnings. Ebay under pressure. Apple with the iphone 8 issues, not selling money. Cut off for the watch cellular service. So Technology Stocks are coming under pressure. Ebay, apple, micron are some names were watching with down arrows. The big picture here, focus still to the upside. Were still planning on a tax plan going forward. Steve. Steve mnuchin said thi. The optimism for the most part is pretty great. Trish liz peek, are you that optimistic right now . Were at 23,000. We still have a few months left in the year. Could we Power Forward even higher from these levels . We certainly could. Tax reform is obviously very big part of that. America has not been optimistic as it is right now since 2000. That is incredible statistic. That came out friday from the university of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Survey which by the way almost got no attention whatsoever. Trish you know what got no attention whatsoever . Viewers should know that. On nightly news programs, abc news, nbc, cbs news, only one network devoted a grand total of 10 seconds, quick reader, the dow closed above 23,000. Abc and cbs didnt even touch the story at all. They will not do sentiment either. I think reporters out there, liz, are angry things looking so good in the market. Basically all kinds of people are critical of this administration on all fronts. They criticize deregulatory moves. Criticize what is going on in congress. The fact there have been no big legislative wins. This is the biggest win, the stock market. Yes, they are not particularly happy with that by the way i totally understand why trump is tweeting about it. For him this is the anonymous market saying go for what youre doing. This is right. We feel good about it. Look, there are all kinds of tailwinds right now in china, is improving economically. Europe is growing really for the first time in very long time. The but really here in the United States, people are feeling better about their prospects and that will lead to a good holiday season. There is all kind of knockon effects of optimism. Trish the president , a lot of people said the president is not technically really responsible for the economy. Of course. Trish there are a lot of other things going on the cyclical for one thing, fed, et cetera, but i do think, liz, the president is responsible for the sentiment or feeling of the country. No question. We had eight years of obama talking down the economy. I had a piece on fox, quick talking down about the economy. Grass shoots would come up and Say Something negative. Another quarter of 1 growth. Trish maybe it is big bad business. You dont want investors to make more money. Not just wealthy investor were talking about because a lot of Union Members have Pension Plans and a lot of people with 401 k s out there. They benefit as well. You get a better economy, more people hiring, relate it all to jobs. That is the big key. Were getting jobs and need wages. That is what the president asks every day seeing cabinet members, how are we doing on jobs . Trish that is encouraging to hear. He puts that as top priority. That is americans top priority. Liz peek, thank you very much. Thank you. President trump is meeting today with fed chair janet yellen as he considers whether to reappoint her or to pick someone else. A lot of people are saying, he is going to pick someone else. So this is decision that will have a major implication for our economy, and for our borrowing rates. Well go to blake burman with an inside look who has the inside track to become the next head of the federal reserve. That is next. Can i kick it . Yes you can can i kick it . Yes you can can i kick it . Yes you can well im gone can i kick it . To all the people who can quest like a tribe does. From godaddy in fact, 68 of people who have built their. 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She is one of five on this final short list cultivated by a few folks within white house walls here. On that list, yellen as i mentioned, gary cohn, the president s top Economic Advisor as we know. Jerome powell, the current fed board member. Steve have been warsh former fed member and stanford economist john taylor. President would not say who is his favorite when asked a couple days ago earlier this week. Honestly i like them all. I do, i have a Great Respect for all of them. But i make a decision over the next very short period of time. Reporter even though yellen is the incumbent, trish, it is fairly remarkable she made it on to the short list. You remember back to the campaign when President Trump consistently slammed her and fed when he would talk about this topic. He essentially accused yellen a political arm of president obama and Hillary Clinton. For example, here was the president during the first president ial debate. Janet yellen of the fed, the fed is doing political by keeping Interest Rates at this levels, and believe me, the day obama goes off and leaves, goes out to the golf course for the rest of his life to play golf, when they raise Interest Rates, you will see very bad things happen because the fed is not doing their job. Reporter fast forward trish, to today. Janet yellen set to sit down with the president. The President Trump will make the final decision on this issue in the upcoming weeks. Goes to asia november 3rd. That decision between now and then. Trish . Trish blake, thank you very much. Joining me wall street journal chief economics correspondent jon hilsenrath. Good to see you. Trish, great to be here. Trish i enjoy talking with but the fed. Me too. Trish you have a lot of insight here. What is the over under she keeping her job . The markets dont see high probability. If Prediction Markets they have her at 20 . This is complicated choice for the president. We were reporting in wall street journal jay powell is favorite of treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin but john taylor is favorite of House Republican members and also the Vice President , Vice President pence. So the president is getting a lot of conflicting voices. When it comes to yellens you know, he said when he was a candidate that he wanted a republican. She is not a republican. She is a democrat. But at the same time, were looking at Unemployment Rate of 4. 2 and record high stock prices and one of the questions he has to be asking himself, does he really want to change horses when he is running a race he is winning right now on the economy . Trish you know what . That is a really good point, right . If it aint broke, dont fix it. She has a job to unwind the portfolio. She has to move Interest Rates higher that will be challenging if youre moving higher and economy is not totally ready for it. Were getting positive indications. John taylor i know well, i think would have a very different approach than say the bernankeyellen approach. Sure would. Trish that we had seen. He would be much more getting the fed out of the picture. I guess the question is, how soon can you do that back to your point that things are kind of good now . John taylor is a really interesting character. He was probably the feds biggest critic in the world of academia before and after the crisis. He has strong credentials. He is a Stanford University economist and wrote a rule which is taylor rule which a lot of central bankers use as guidepost where the bank rates should be. Here is the problem for the president. The taylor rule points that fed rate should be 3 1 2 . It is more like one percent. If he will go to taylor, does he want Interest Rates that much higher right now, when the economy listen, initial unemployment claims out at 44year low. Does he want to be jacking up Interest Rates when the economy is doing so well. Trish i think he doesnt. Knowing him, how he made his business, how he made his money, using debt instruments. He is not afraid of debt. He said im a low Interest Rate guy. That is what the president said. Trish wow. Yellen might be there longer than we think. This interview is very important that is happening today. If he doesnt want yellen but if he wants someone like yellen, jay powell is his guy because jay powell supported low Interest Rate policies but he is republican. Not a democrat. And, he is got slightly more deregulatory bent than janet yellen does. If she loses the job, loses it on regulatory issues, not Interest Rate issues. Trish were watching all of it. Great to see you. Appreciate it. Trish White House Press secretary Sarah Huckabee sanders expected to take questions any minute from the media now. Today is deadline for cities to put in the bids for amazon. Theyre competing why their town should be chosen for the new company headquarters. That deal could bring 50,000 new jobs. Jeff flock in chicago, which is fights hard to land this deal. He will be with us next. He will tell us what is up this week. Our recent online sales success seems a little. Strange . Nk na. Ever since we switched to fedex ground business has been great. Theyre affordable and fast. Maybe too affordable and fast. What if. People arent buying these books online, but they are buying them to protect their secrets . . hi bill. If that is your real name. Its william actually. Hmph affordable, fast fedex ground. Betty called me at she thought it was a fire. It was worse. A sinkhole opened up under our museum. Eight priceless corvettes had plunged into it. Chubb was there within hours. They helped make sure it was safe. We had everyone we needed to get our museum back up and running, and we opened the next day. Trish cities and towns across the country, all vying to become the next spot amazon would choose to headquarter in. The shopping giant said to bring in 50,000 jobs and billions of investment to one lucky place. Who has the best shot . Im roots for my home state of new hampshire. Jeff flock in one city also in the competition, shall we say, chicago, illinois, near Chicago Tribune printing plant . Variouy irony, that Montgomery Ward and sears, were the amazons of their day. They would be the in shadow of history. Who knows, trish. Trish i wish you lots of luck you live there in chicago. Reporter you too. Trish a lot more coming up. A market is down 21 points mean while nfl commissioner Roger Goodell showing lack of leadership, basically punting on his chance to enforce a rule about players standing during the national anthem. But why . When the league has rules about Everything Else . Why is goodell showing so little spine on this . This, i will tell you, will threaten the leagues bottom line, and this will threaten Roger Goodells job. Were on it. See you next. And hey, unmanaged depression, dont get too comfortable. Were talking to you, cost inefficiencies, and data without insights. And fragmented care, stop getting in the way of patient recovery and pay attention. Every single one of you is on our list. At optum, were partnering across the Health System to tackle its biggest challenges. Aggressive styling, so you can break away from everyone else. At optum, were partnering across the Health System the bold lexus is. Experience amazing. M can i kick it . Hout yes you can can i kick it . Yes you can can i kick it . Yes you can well im gone trish quickly, looking at markets. Pretty much at the flat line. Were looking the dow is off, a little. S p that is off barely. And nasdaq off half a percent. You know, hey, i will take it, right . Especially on a day that makes some people a little nervous. If youre superstitious, 30th anniversary of black monday. Apple announcing Cutting Supply of orders for iphone 8 due to lower demand. Investor expecting paypal to meet earnings estimates after the ceo announced new plans. A few things going on in the markets. Walmart reportedly nearing a deal to give Department Store lord taylor in walmarts online store. Could be step to creating a Online Shopping mall on walmarts website as a portal to compete with amazon. Lets see what else we can tell you about. This is biggie. Nfl commissioner Roger Goodell punting his chance to enforce a hard and fast rule about players standing for the national anthem. You saw this you saw this 24 hours ago right here. These players protests will go on as planned, no penalties. No fear of penalties. Things got a little heated as i discussed the subject on fox news tonight last night, watch. A lot of people dont even stand when they are watching the game. What does that have to do with anything . That is bunch of baloney. No, no, that is bunch of baloney. Ill tell you one thing it is not baloney. Every single time i hear the national anthem, every single time i sing the national anthem, i get goosebumps and privileged to be honored you dont speak for 340 million americans. All opportunities i have had, youre pretty darn lucky if youre collecting a pretty nice paycheck working for the nfl. By the way i will be back on fox news tonight on 10 00 p. M. Eastern on fox news channel. So i hope you tune in again. People, the nfl seeing the ratings totally plummet. Tough ask yourself, especially if youre a leader like youre supposed to be, Roger Goodell at nfl, is this really worth it . Here to discuss, ford oconnell, ford, look, you know, one of the arguments, that i heard last night from leo terrell, it is great. The nfl really cares about its players. The nfl is trying to understand its players. That is actually something that Roger Goodell did say, theyre trying to understand what is motivating the players to do this . But i got to fire back with this, ford. As the nfl cares about the players, guess what, they would have done a whole lot more in terms of being out in front of the whole concussion issue. Because that actually affects those players. Well there is a lot of issues the nfl should be out in front of but ill be honest with you, the owners created this problem all by themselves, now they dont have a way out of the box. Basically they have gone back to square one, trying to pacify the players without as losing many fans as possible. Quite clear a majority of the players dont quite understand why a majority of fans are hacked off about the anthem. Trish yeah, they dont understand, but they know theyre getting a lot of attention for this. Heres the thing. Youre a lawyer by background. Do they have a right to do this . After all theyre going to work and part of that job means entertaining and part of that entertaining means, you know, going through the motions and so, it is important for the overall image of the nfl that those players look like they got a little gratitude for our country. Can they actually do this . Depends upon the state because of different employment laws but youre absolutely right. You have a First Amendment right to make your opinion known, but you dont have a First Amendment right to be employed as a multimilliondollar athlete, particularly when youre alienating business and that is exactly jerry jones point. Theyre alienating business, nfl ratings down by 8 this year. After they were down by 8 last year. Players need to understand, owners need to understand, what they should tell players, look you stand. What we will do, we will promote your cause off the field as much as possible because we want fans happy, we certainly want players happy. When that happens, everybody wins. Trish Roger Goodell said yesterday, he doesnt want the nfl to get political. But, ford, saying we want to understand, we understand, we have a lot of Racial Injustice in this country, isnt that effectively getting political . If you see all the players out there kneeling at the start of the game, instead of hands across their heart, isnt that essentially making the nfl indeed political . Well i think the nfl has been political for a very long time and right now we are in a situation in america that is so polarized, basically everything is political, including what cost tool you want to wear for hall halloween. If you want to be successful you have to find a way of navigating that terrain, trish. Trish Roger Goodell has history of failures when it comes to these issues. I think back to domestic violence. Ray rice dragging his wife through an elevator. We saw it over and over again on tv. They were having problem with violence among their players. You know what . Mr. Goodell did nothing. He let the players play, until people went bonkers. So you have that. And then you have the concussion scandal, ford. As i said earlier, if he actually cared about these players, instead of the bottom line, he actually would be trying to help them and protect them, but that is not what it is about. It is all about money. So do you think when these team owners realize theyre not getting ticket sales and not getting ratings they used to get, Roger Goodell will find himself out of a job . I think youre absolutely right. Basically if fans want to make sure players stay, they need to keep doing what theyre doing. Owners think fans will get tired and wear out. That is the whole question. This is a battle of wills. If the fans keep pushing down ratings, guess what, players will eventually stand. It is all about the benjamins, trish. Trish i dont get it. Roger goodell started his career at pr at the nfl. You would think a pr person would understand how to negotiate these pr crises a little better. Youre absolutely right. You have to understand with respect to the national anthem, they didnt think the fans would do it week over week. Nfl own as day of the week. They own sunday, believe it or not in america, even over god, they own sunday in the fall. They thought they could overcome like the ray rice thing. Guess what, they found out theyre wrong. Trish is Roger Goodell afraid of the players, are the Team Owners Afraid of players because if they dont let them kneel they could walk . That appears to be leverage that they have. Consequencely goodell, team owners are bowing to players here and forgetting about their viewers and their customers. Let me say why. Nfl is 64 billiondollar oligopoly. Roger goodell is in the position because he makes team owners a lot of money. They have a contract negotiations coming up, they are pretending to side with the players and they want a big deal to rake in revenue. But the players play a big part in that. Trish that it is about the revenue and that will be at stake. They say i will watch fox Business Today instead of the nfl. I will learn about what is going on world instead of watching these guys tell us how much they dont appreciate being born in this wonderful country where you have so much opportunity to think that, you know, some of these hardluck stories where these kids have come up to be tremendous athletes earning million dollars, that is part of the american dream, and something everyone of us should be thankful. Ive always been with you on that one, trish, 100 . Trish thank you, ford oconnell. Thank you. California firefighters making progress in a string of wildfires that left dozens of people dead and destroyed thousands of structures. Robert gray is in sonoma with that next. 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Trish california fire officials have reported significant progress on containing wildfires ravaging wine country there in northern california. At least 42 people have died, six thousand homes have been lost. It has become the deadliest and most destructive wildfires in california history. 22,000 people remain under evacuation orders right now. The steps for 80,000 returning home is what now . How do they do it . Robert gray is in sonoma with the latest for it. Robert, are people moving back into their homes . How is this process unfolding . Reporter hi, trish, very slowly and method i canally. Some folks are. We talked to people where we are at the Fairmont Sonoma mission inn, they dont know if their home is still there or not. Theyre still trying to find out the information. It varies depending where you are, and where in proximity to the fires. We could see one fire on the ground as week ago. Across the road you could see another fire on hillside. The town of sonoma where we are now was surrounded basically. Some roads outside of the gate of the hotel here are still closed. Firefighters are still battling someplace blazes out there. They have them contained, about 80 . You mentioned statistics, 42 at least so far. 50 people missing. That is down from several thousand a week ago. As you mentioned more than 20,000 evacuees. 10,000 firefighters still battling the blazes. They burned 310 square miles. To put that into perspective. That is more than size of all five boroughs. New york. They were surrounded a couple sides by fire. They were hosting evacuees last week when the property itself was evac you eighted. So folks had to evacuate twice. They were hosting firefighters from Southern California who drove up to help battle blazes here. Theyre hosting insurance adjustors out here. You were asking about getting money in peoples pockets. Theyre processing claims, doing just that. Going afar afield as sacramento here which is a little bit of a drive. Theyre trying to help some of their employees who lost their homes and had troubles of their own the we talked to the general manager, Rick Corcoran earlier today, and he talked about the importance of the Tourism Business and helping everyone to get back to work . The main issue here for us, we want our colleagues to get back to work. So we reopened most of our services. You know, we had this crew here to make sure, it is not a moneymaking thing. It is a question of our people getting back on their feet and back to work. Reporter trish, we cant underscore it enough, it is a 13 billiondollar industry when you take in alcohol, wine business and tourism. That really drives the economy. When you talk to everyone, theyre definitely in recovery, rebuilding and ready to move on to reopening stage. They will accept visitors on monday here. We should mention a lot of lost revenue at this one property, booked solid for entire month. Rates start usually at 350 bucks a night. Trish thanks, robert. Isis on the vern of collapse after losing nearly all the territory it once controlled in syria and iraq, including the syrian city of raqqa, once isis defacto capital. After the fall of the caliphate. What is next for the terror group . Were on it next. See you here. Youll get clear, actionable alerts about potential Investment Opportunities in real time. Fidelity. Open an account today. Fidelity. You know whats difficult . Adulting. Hi, guys. Im back. Time to slay no,i have a long time girlfriend. You know whats easy . Building your website with godaddy. Get your domain today and get a free trial of gocentral. Build a better website in under an hour. Right in the heart of the was in his financial crisis, and saw his portfolio drop by double digits. It really scared him out of the markets. His advisor ran the numbers and showed that he wouldnt be able to retire until he was 68. The client realized, i need to get back into the markets i need to get back on track with my plan. The Financial Advisor was able to work with this client. Hes now on track to retire when hes 65. Having someone coach you through it is really the value of a Financial Advisor. Trish u. S. Defense secretary james mattis, told the press, quote, we do not have all the Accurate Information yet on the niger ambush. Well release information as soon as it becomes available. This is just crossing as Senior Defense officials tell fox newss jennifer griffin, the u. S. Troops during the attack were fired on while driving outside of town. Of course this is the isis attack on our soldiers there. So, were learning more about this. Well continue bringing it to you. Meantime, the big question whether or not isis is onverge of collapse. Certainly looking more and more like that. The group lost all of it is territory in the area it once controlled in syria, as welt as the area it controlled in iraq, including the syrian city of raqqa. This was the defacto capital. This was the caliphate. And this is as you heard general keane said many, many times, if you want to annihilate isis you need to get rid of the caliphate. Weve done that. President trumps acting Homeland Security secretary that the group could be involved in plotting a 9 11 style attack. Joining me now, buck sexton. Im sure a whole bunch are still roaming the world out there even if they dont have their caliphate. They would love to see a massive attack against the United States of america. How concerned do we need to be about that . That would be likely in response to a collapsing caliphate which is what is going on in iraq and syria. The loss of raqqa is a huge blow to isis. They do have some territory still under their control but if you look at it beyond just the shaded areas of a map to actual population density, the Islamic State is really no longer much of a state at all. It is just an idea but that idea has spread all over the globe. There are isis affiliates will see this likely as an opportunity to strike back at the perception that the Islamic State is no longer relevant as part of the global jihad. In a sense while there should be celebration now, we should thank our kurdish allies for all work on the ground against the Islamic State, there is heightened risk what would be a retaliatory strike from the Islamic State somewhere else in the world to once again establish their relevance. Trish buck, you dont need the caliphate to orchestrate a terror attack. I think, if you still have these pockets of members out there wherever they are in the world were still all at risk. Tough basically wipe out this ideology that wants to take us down, and unless you do, youre still running these risks. I dont know if you can entirely do it. There is still a possibility of all of the attacks, in fact likelihood, really inevitable, there will be isis inspired attacks in the west, in europe and here in the homeland too. What may happen now though because there is a loss of operating state, isis was defacto operating in syria. Because that is no longer the case, they will find a way to make up for that in the eyes of their supporters and adherents. That means usual inspired attacks, somebody with a edge weapon and driving vehicles into pedestrians, that may still be happening. Theyre looking for that mass catastrophic 9 11style attack symbolize those that want to be part of a caliphate, this is still an idea, theyre still pushing it. Trish that means we need stocks vigilant. I want to ask you about this. President george w. Bush is back in the headlines today, while not mentioning anyone by name he strongly condemned some of the values that have brought President Trump to power. Watch this. Weve seen nationalism distorted into nativism. Forgotten dynamism always brought to america. We see loss of confidence in free markets and international trade. Loss of confidence follow in the wake of protectionism. Trish after john mccain made similar comments about nationalism. Here is the thing. You look what the president has done, to reference general keane again, the general said look, all in line with anything that senator mccain would want, from a National Security standpoint. So this bashing of nationalism, what do you think is really going on . Certainly too vague and broad to be helpful from john mccain or bush. Theyre not specifying what policies trump engaged in that falls into the realm of negative nationalism. Nationalism versus patriotism, where one crosses over into the other is whole separate part of the conversation. But on a National Security specific point of view, the Trump Administration is continue ages generally what is consensus from the Bush Administration and yes, in large part different in tone but in terms of policies, in iraq and afghanistan, very similar to the Obama Administration thus far. So to call them nationalists to tie National Security into this is completely unnowedded. Trish we havent talked about Hillary Clinton over there in zoll. Trish thank you, buck. I will see you tonight hosting on fox news 10 00 p. M. Eastern on fox news channel. I hope you join me there. Liz claman, send it over to you. Liz trish this is jampacked hour. We want to let viewers know that the White House Press secretary is expected to start in minutes. Press secretary sara sanders is expected to be peppered on the budget vote and the press for republicans to take a shortcut on tax reform. National security moments ago he does not had clear answers yet on how lieutenant David Johnson and three other soldiers were ambushed. We wills take you there as soon as the News Conference gi

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