Jessica Steinberg covers the Sabra scene from south to north and back to the center.
The family and friends cast of 'Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat,' a production created solely for the coronavirus bar mitzvah celebration of Jerusalem 13-year-old Adin Markowitz (Courtesy Laura Ben-David)
Through a year of uncertainties, with bar and bat mitzvahs moving from event halls to Zoom screens, Adin Markowitz was sure of only one thing: When he turned 13 in December, his bar mitzvah would include singing, over-the-top dancing and a famous coat of many colors, come pandemic or high water.
It’s traditional for bar and bat mitzvah celebrants to chant the Torah portion in synagogue as they mark the rite of passage. For Markowitz, who was born on Hanukkah, that meant he would be reading Parashat Miketz, which tells the story of Joseph’s rise to power in Egypt.