Patricia's research investigates the potential of marketplaces as settings of multipurpose urban development.
Marketplaces have historically played a fundamental role as commercial and meeting locations in cities around the world. However, due to the strong competition with supermarkets and the lack of recognition of their importance by governments, they have experienced increasing decline.
Typical marketplaces have varied levels of importance for different global regions and urban populations. Notwithstanding, regardless of where, the most disadvantaged urban groups are the ones benefiting the most from markets’ existence, reason why their presence in increasingly exclusionary cities is so relevant. Previous research indicates that traditional trading spaces have meaningful potential for just urban development. As inclusive spaces and providers of economic and social opportunities, markets can be elements mobilised by governments aiming more social justice at local scale. Social justice is understood as more urban equity, democratically promoted in the support for vulnerable groups, where diversity is respected, and inclusion is realised.