Eva Mappy Morgan Writes U.S. State Department, Deflates GNN Report, Says Her Rights Were Violated
Eva Mappy Morgan Writes U.S. State Department, Deflates GNN Report, Says Her Rights Were Violated
Judge Eva Mappy-Morgan.
Following the release of a widely publicised report by the United States State Department under the caption: ‘2020 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: Liberia’ entitled ‘Denial Of Fair Public Trial’, where according to the report the Chief Judge of the Commercial Court, and President of the National Trial Judges of Liberia, Eva Mappy Morgan was accused of alleged ethics volition/canon # 23.
The U.S. State Department also noted that Judge Morgan was linked to a 2013 communication in which it was alleged that the Commercial Court authorized the withdrawal, without the consent of one of the litigating parties, of an amount of $3.4 million at the Liberian Bank for Development and Investment, which was being held in escrow pending final determination of a commercial dispute between Ducor Petroleum Inc. and the Monrovia Oil Trading Company.