UpdatedMon, Mar 15, 2021 at 7:55 am CT
Roberto's Ristorante and Pizzeria, 483 Spring Road, is proposing two parking lots, which neighbors oppose. Late last week, mayoral candidate Mark Mulliner returned a $5,000 donation from Elmhurst Neighbors United, which opposes the parking lots. (Google Maps)
ELMHURST, IL — Amid a controversy, Elmhurst mayoral candidate Mark Mulliner late last week returned a $5,000 contribution given by a group of residents opposed to a restaurant's parking lot plan.
Elmhurst Neighbors United, which opposes the plan by Roberto's Ristorante and Pizzeria, gave the money March 4 and publicly endorsed Mulliner nearly a week later on Facebook.
When Elmhurst Patch contacted Mulliner's campaign Thursday, a spokesman called the endorsement and donation "a pleasant surprise." At some point in the next day, the campaign returned it.