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Numbers of people crossing from mexico. And the norwegian play right young fossa is announced as winter of this year as nobel prize in literature for what the Swedish Academy say are, quote, innovative plays in prose that give voice to be on sale. The library golf is good to have you with us on this thursday and we begin it tonight in North Eastern ukraine where at least 51 civilians have been killed in a russian attack. Created Officials Saying that a missile struck a village shop and cafe in the heart. Keith region, the cranes, interior minister saying that the victims had been gathered at a week after a funeral. For this small village, its tragedy heaped on, sorry around 60 residents, had gathered together after a soldiers funeral needs to be hit by a russian strike. The village shop and cafe where they going to mon, reduced to rubble. Dozens were killed in one of the deadliest attacks in months. The largest number of bodies was found in the area where there was a table where they want us to commemorate that the deceased with the rescue is clearing the debris. Locals came to look for loved ones or to see you let you go. We. My son was taken out, we were without a head is moving without legs. So were not anything uh, football us. But they recognize him from the documents hust with his drivers license and they recognized him least. Okay. You know, my wife and sons fiance youth thought maybe they went to an a pod to i dont know. They are missing to remember, were in the time center and heard an explosion. We were then told that something happened to her as a, and we know that my mother was here. Of the few crane and Officials Say initial information indicates the cafe was kids sign and scan to miss so one of the most accurate the weapons in russias arsenal, president s the lens, he condemned to strike on the village. Moving 30 kilometers from the front lines as deliberate and brutal terrorist attack ukrainians. Its another bloody reminder that nowhere on their own soil is trudy safe. I want to get a key be able to talk to or correspond to the connelly. Nick, youve been covering this more from day one. We have not seen this kind of Diversion Attack in quite some time. What does this tell us . I think the numbers youre seeing of casualties are down to the kind of missile use. This is kind of ballistic me, so these kinds of kind of sporadic attacks happen a lot, but its like kind of song that it just facing russian positions within or through range. But also, you know, to the racial isnt going to cause this kind of damage. But certainly in lots of places in southern this new crime, people leave the house is only if they really need to. There was looking somewhere the safety of all to hide behind. This is just going to, i guess, reinforce peoples behavior and kind of sense of fear and unwillingness to communicate and kind of engage with the neighbors. Because even get it up for a funeral. If this can happen to you, weve had schools now this evening from ukraines defense minister, calling for more ad defenses. More supplies from the west. The gemini extension for the new patriot system might be on the way. But its just not going to be enough. This is a kind of michelle that would only have been stopped by picture missile. And, you know, ukraine simply doesnt have enough to go around to protect villages like these. Yeah, this village is the one that doesnt sit directly on the front line yet. It was hit, we were talking about civilian casualties, new military target here. Nick weve, weve seen this time and time again, havent i think its just the case of hitting these targets because they can. Lots of people will tell you that as soon as there is any group of people, any crowd be that for 2 minutes here in a being distribution of bus stop anything like that. As soon as theres a drug and seeing that theres some kind of intelligence, then that is a target. So you see people keeping distribution of some enter 8 secret theyre making agreeing to meet at the last month because they all just so scared of this. Its interesting, the russians use such an expensive and high tech weapon for this year. We had hoped that itd be in the hope textbook that these must always be running low with western sanctions on technology. But its simply not working and rushed to see me, willing to use these kinds of themselves for you have seemingly pretty mind to tell you they call and leave with the leaves tonight, some key, nick is always thinking well, you creeds, president bottom is zalinski has urged european leaders to remain united to their response to russian aggression. He did that at a, somebodys in the spanish city of grenada. Zalinski also asked for further military aid, stressing the need for Additional Air defense systems. On the day he had to announce the carnage of a devastating Russian Missile attack. The summit is attended by 47. 00 european leaders, and its supposed to be a show of solidarity for ukraine. It is not expected to result. However, in binding agreements, our Brussels Bureau chief alexander from nom, and she joins me now from granada. Alexandra zalinski was there to rally more support from europe on not just pledges of solidarity as the war continues. I mean, did he get what he one a while at least he is not going back home empty handed, spain. The host of this summit announced that they are ready to provide to crane with new or a defense and, and tides long. Besides, to protect the Countries Energy infrastructure and toddlers and germany, as you just mentioned, is also ready to deploy in an additional and patriots a system to ukraine and uh, to protect it this way to protect the ukrainian citizens from russian to tex and to why is its crucial, we have just seen today and to, and hes meetings on the sidelines of this. I mean, presidency. Lensky was reassured by history repeating process again. And again that the you is ready to stand alongside ukraine as long as it is necessary. But will that be enough if the you as a, are going to read used, or help with the, the president ial Election Campaign about to start there soon . Probably not. So that is what we heard from the you Foreign Policy cheap. You as a burrell, said that the rope is ready to increase its support, but they cannot replace uh, the you asked for that financial and military support at the moment. They are even arguing under which conditions they wants to provide you created with the planned safety, 1000000000 euros for the next 4 years. Yes, so weve got the big topic of the war and ukraine is also the issue of migration. We know thats going to be on the agenda tomorrow with these the leaders there is disagreement on how to deal with migration. Can we expect any progress tomorrow . Well, actually we could ask why on a. So talking about that and arguing, arguing because just this week, you countries of agreed to move forward with the crucial reform of the use migration and asylum system. And that could change the face of the e u. A asylum and migration policy that would enable them to speed up proceedings at the external borders and so on to tough are the rules. But there are country horsing just like poland and hungary. Thats not enough. We want stricter rules, and there are also countries such as easily and spain. And i think we need help right now because we are struggling with the, the increasing numbers of people trying to enter the e u. So we definitely, were going to expect. So were expecting a quite a discussion tomorrow here in canada. Okay, dw is always under phenomena tonight in spain. Alexander, thank you or wish is more on ukraine has prompted fear among its other neighbors. They feel that they could be next to many countries or boosting their defense capacities in case of a possible russian attack. And that includes left b, i, which shares a border with russia. Theres been a surge and citizens joining the National Guard to get military training. And even those in civilian jobs are preparing for a worst Case Scenario that lab be and say no longer seems impossible or corresponded. Terry schultz visited the country as it held annual nationwide military and civilian exercises. The moria lynn are to is life plans didnt include taking up arms. I wouldnt call myself like, super patriotic until 2022. The only drills the popular let be an actress was practicing or her lines. So look at this, then russia launched war on ukraine, and suddenly when are they felt compelled to seek a new rule . Soldier . Whats the 1st coming in the beginning . So i have to ask these Big Questions for myself, but of i realized the thing that is interesting for me that i want to do, im gonna bring deliver them the democracy. And i want to, i dont know, fi for thats their day is among the thousands of latvians whose response to the russian invasion of ukraine was to become part of the National Guard. The number of volunteers increased by a quarter. Theres even a waiting list. Bakers, teachers, professors, dr. Doors, everyone is willing to see what they can bring to the defense of themselves as a nation itself. Colonel customers prudent says the significance of the nom, ace exercise, is that it involves many sectors in realistic crisis, simulations. Were training here in cities and capital city together was Police Border guards. One of the Simple Police was our rescue services and medical services. So all together, so we know something called in times of crisis and how we go direct to different scenarios altogether. For example, Emergency Medical Services personnel take part in table top war game exercises. So new communication, new communication channel and terms. Its about a, about a called photo sense, but a good theme vertical raises the note that is former reagan, the air martin stock is helped integrate municipal leaders and the military and the readiness exercises. He says, the necessity of that became clear after russias 1st invasion of ukraine in 2014. They do understand that we have to show also to the east and neighbor said that we will not be the wisdom. The most Important Message for the, for the lead us for the may is, was that you to lie in on the and the so thats good. But this could be the situation that on these, out of the city. So. So whats to be the city of responsibility, which were going to do, answers to those questions or what authority seek out each year with the nom, ace, exercise, incorporating Lessons Learned from watching what russia is doing now in ukraine. Fueled also by their determination to never again experience the occupation they suffered after world war 2, Mario Leonard say wants to re societal awareness by combining her to identities writing and directing a play about military life. All right, lets get it checked out with some of the other headlines around the world. A syrian official says that jerome strikes and killed them, the 67 people and wounded more than a 180 in the syrian town of homes. The Cities Health director said strikes, came just minutes after a Graduation Ceremony at a military academy. No one has claimed responsibility. Soldiers and firefighters are battling to control the wildfire on one of Spains Canary islands. Their work on the island of 10 a reef has been hampered by temperatures just under 40 degrees celsius, along with the strong winds. Thousands of people have been evacuated from time to reach northern airings to rachels flash floods. In india have caused at least i have claimed, at least 14 lives. A 100 people are missing. Thousands stranded, a glacial lake burst triggering the disaster. Global warming have seen an increase in floods from lakes in the himalayas. You as president bind it said to do something that he said he would never do bite and has given the green light to build additional sections of wall along the us and mexico border. This is a major policy shift one that puts by in step with his predecessor, donald trump. Now this new construction will take place in texas along the International Border in star county. The area together with others has seen a surge, and the number of migrants from latin america crossing into the us construction of bigger barriers to start migrant was one of trumps signature policies. Now i have to start to bind stormy pledge that no more us taxpayer dollars would be diverted to build a border wall. Todays announcement is a 180. 00 degree turnaround. So what is the Current Situation now at the board . The diabetes and stuff on simons reports tonight from southern texas. The hydrated exhausted Institute Still determined to cross the rio grande into the United States. Thousands upon thousands are coming day after day, week after week here and you go past texas and everywhere else along the entire yours border with mexico. After a treacherous months, long journey, these refugees are giving themselves up to u. S. Customs and Border Protection or cbp on the us side of the river. Cbp agents are being overwhelmed with processing, the latest so called search for they say i mostly minister rail and migraines. Trying to enter the us asking for assignment. And the city of el paso, in the south western corner of the state of texas, migraines have been lining up at the gate and the portable giving themselves up to us afford every single day. And full weeks of inmate, el paso had declared a state of emergency. Now the city leadership says the city has reached a breaking point. It is not sustainable. We are Getting Better or more efficient and how we handle this. But were just handling the emergency today. Theres nothing being done to stop that flow. El paso quickly transformed Municipal Recreation Center into an Emergency Shelter capacity. 460 plus individuals press was given access to film inside shortly before migrants were placed here. Already over crowded though, the city is now scrambling to open yet another emergency facility. This Old Middle School is supposed to house another 400 plus migrants, and 9 hotels are on the city contract to house, even more people temporarily cooperating with the city other organizations and some churches. They are equally overwhelmed these days by the sheer number of migrants needing their help. Theres a lot or need right now the sell thursday of the n g. Alls are all full. And were trying to do a weekend and still, its not enough, even though most of the migrants that arrive in el paso are just staying for a few days before heading to other destinations. Were not getting people want to stay and thats thats, thats the normal see that weve seen through all this or just is the vast majority. I mean, over 99 percent of them are not looking for el paso to be their home, which creates another logistical and financial challenge with the city bossing migrants to other cities within the us. Chicago, denver new york city in los angeles to name just a few that you got them in alaska. I to go, i plan to go to the city of chicago and hopefully i can find work. I have a 17 year old daughter whose dream is to become a pilot. And i have this little one, and they just want to give them the opportunity to grow up and become good us citizens. The Talent Search of migrants looking for a better life across the border. It shows no sign of slowing down. According to u. S. Customs and Border Protection, nearly 40000 people across to el paso into the us in september along all right, from where you all enjoyed from washington by different. So im is evolved that reports to find those pictures. They are they, they tell the story. I mean, there is a problem with migration at the border. This is a 180 by the, by the administration. The question for him as it was for former president , trump is more wall going to stop more migrants from coming to the us or yellow freight knots. Because as you also heard in this report, the migraines are by the thousands really by the thousands are just lining up on the other side of this wall fence however you want to call it. And then just knock on the door literally knock on the door, hands up and giving themselves up to us authorities. And there is of course, a lot of human tragedy going on. So us Border Protection agents are well heart press to just like to ignore that they are not, they can do that. So they open the door and let them in and process them. They become, in most cases, a so called a number asylum, or for an asylum hearing for an appointment with a judge, which can be 678910 weeks or months, or wait. And uh, and then they go uh, they go all over the United States. So the problem is not going away with more. Yeah, definitely not with the authorities. If you saw on your report there in el paso, they say that they are at a breaking point um what, what does that mean and how, how bad could the situation get . That means that they have told me over whelmed ring terms of resources. They have no place is left anymore to put more migraines into to take care of migrants and yours are over, around churches are overwhelmed. City the locals are over well and you know what . It takes also a poll on of control on, on people who live. They have the regular residents, 800000 el paso, for example, im doing this, not just for a week or 2 or 3 or for us for a report about this, you know, for here and there. And then on this now for months and months and months, this is not the 1st search of migrants for them is the 5th. The 1st one was last year in november, december and numbers were overwhelmed. Me. So that is the problem, logistical financial problems. The resources are not there and that creates a lot of political pressure on the white house and for the price of it is the buy in. Speaking of the president , what his, his administration done or, or been doing it to bring down the numbers of people that are entering the United States. I mean, beyond, you know, talk about more wont well, thats just the thing right. You heard to use said today he goes, you know, yep, were building mobile. The fact that his own administration is waving 26 last federal law. So it makes it possible to have had a few more miles of war at the border. He personally doesnt believe in, in the wall is that it makes any sense and im with him on that one. I think anybody whos was a, been at the border and is working on this uh, the problem on reporting about migraine and immigration from me for the us is agreeing with that. The problem is that there is really the immigration on the us hasnt been changed indicative of fundamentally, and it just needs that a different approach to migration migration and immigration to United States. I guess im still the United States and politicians. So you have a big picnic, maybe also the probably have a big problem to come around to that thinking still, Stefan Simons before an engine light from washington is defined as always. Thank you. All right, super 0. Now were dozens of amazon river dolphins have been found dead in the rain Forest Region around to the lake just in the past week. Now thats according to a Research Group with the ministry of science investigations are continuing, but experts say high water temperatures relating to Climate Change could be to blame for the mass depths. The scenes that shocked the locals and scientists, dozens of amazon river dolphins washed off on the show. Some principles like to see results minister of science Research Group recovered the 1st corpse on september 23rd. Since then, more than 100 spend 2 volts in corpses. Have been found in the area and ive seen supports with means we have around 903 of adults and 500 to cautious one. And then one week was already lost around 120. 00 animals between the 2 of them, which could represent 5 to 10 percent of the population. There was some amazon river dawson sleeve in the amazon basin and on, and they did spacious. So im a famous for the unusual features such as the pink color and long smell. As the research is say that the cause of death is yet to be identified. Or do this because there is no bottom for the message, the investigation and this has not stopped lose any mice. We are carrying out a series of analysis of the water quality, more than dodge of the animals that have died middle off invited to try to understand what the real cost is. Of these desks are doc, which it gives us. It gives a appointment. They look at the issue, but so far, one of the main possible culprits has been named global warming. Last week, the defense lakes temperatures search to 39 degrees celsius, 9 degrees hold to them, usual scientist say this tons of like into soup. The, those, those comes from the nation list of, of the temperatures, could be lab disoriented, and then distress unable to dive. The amazon route was common to me and the dry season this year has been harsher than before. And is expected to last through october, which could means that these were some disturbing discoveries that to feel like might not be the last from a to this years nobel prize in literature has been awarded to the norwegian, author, you on foster. Following the announcement, he told norwegian media that he was surprised, but also not surprised, considering the fact that his name had been linked to the award for several years. The prize and literature for transit 23 is awarded to the new age and all of the young foster for his. I know its a phase and prose which gave him a voice to the unstable yawn fossa is a 64 year old author and drama test, whose work is among the most widely staged of any contemporary play right in europe. In addition to dozens of plays, the 64 year old laura yet has also written novels short stories on childrens books. As well as poetry collections and essays. The academy in stockholm described fosters work as deeply rooted in the language and nature of his norwegian background. Foster told reporters his when wasnt totally out of the blue night, it was just so well, its not the overwhelming, really low, even though it wasnt expected. Id say should that much, i can say, even though ive been in the discussion since 2013, almost the so i had no way prepared for it to happen of the couldnt issue. I dont remember so no, but then 19 years of pause. And theres been a lot of talk about it, but no price was there. So i didnt think it would happen this year either. Excuse me, im not going to have that. But it did. The most prestigious award in literature now belongs to a multi faceted norwegian who has been compared to samuel beckett. And whos writing garnered lofty praise from the academy. It is through his ability to evoke commands, loss of orientation, and how these paradoxically can provide access to a deeper experience kosa tv in the day that foster has come to be regarded as an innovator, not only in contemporary caea to you on foster, a master in spar snorted, writing, now decorated with the highest literary honor. There is so well, hes reminded now of our top stories this hour, at least 51. 00 civilians have been killed in one of the deadliest attacks. And since the starting approaches invasion of Ukraine Training officials said, a missile struck a village shopping cafe in the heart chief region and ukrainian president , board of his zalinski is lobbying a summit of 50 european leaders for support on more weapons deliveries. And once a promise of e u membership for you. Great. 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Some economists sample additions, believe germany is once again the so called sick man of youre the same time right wing populist attitudes are on the rise and more people are critical of democratic

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