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Coronavirus restrictions seem to change by the week critics say there are too many different rules which often make no sense and the European Union agrees to slap sanctions on russia for the poisoning of Opposition Leader a late scene evolved in germany and france say the evidence leads all the way to moscow. And its good to have you with us we begin tonight with the woman who could be the next u. S. Supreme Court Justice the United States has begun the process of filling the vacant seat on the countrys top court and cementing a conservative majority there just before novembers president ial elections and republicans are rushing to confirm President Trumps nominee amy coney bericht today the senate began 4 days of questioning on her positions on Health Care Abortion and gun rights her nomination has sparked a partisan fight here over filling Vacant Supreme Court seats in election year. Greeting the committee for the 1st time barry said it was an honor to be nominated if approved there would be President Trump 3rd Court Appointed Ranking Member feinstein and members of the committee im honored and humbled to appear before you today as a nominee for associate justice of the Supreme Court i thank the president for entrusting me with this profound responsibility as well as for the graciousness that he and the 1st lady have shown my family throughout this process or even more now im joined by our correspondent carla blank your shes on the story for us in washington good evening she used. The country heard for the 1st time today a statement by amy barrett what how did she presented herself. She came across as very calm very selfassured its and she talked about her her family and the role that a place in her life she introduced her husband and each of her 7 kids individually but she of course also talked about her career as a law professor at notre dame and as a church for the 7th Circuit Court of appeals you know she talked about things that are not controversial talk to me a little bit about why her nomination is so controversial. It is controversial mainly for the timing we are now roughly 3 weeks away from the u. S. President ial elections and democrats are outraged that the republicans are trying to push through this nomination before election day theyre saying they should wait that the u. S. People are the American People should decide who the next president will be and then this president should decide who the next supreme Court Justice will be the republicans on the other hand are saying well a president is elected for 4 years not 3 years and this process is entirely constitutional so why should we not go through with exactly the democrats said that that. Was not guaranteed for president obama when he was in the white house lets assume that barry does become a justice on the Supreme Court what will be her will were. As we have heard she was solidify the conservative majority on the Supreme Court if she gets confirmed it will be 6 justices who are considered conservative and 3 justices who are considered liberal now she likely wont answer any questions about how she would rule on specific issues that hasnt really been customary for prospective justices to do in these confirmation hearings for a couple of decades now but we know that she has talked critically about the Affordable Care act also known as obamacare in the past and this is important because later in november after the election the Supreme Court will hear a case about the Affordable Care act where a group of republicans from texas want completely abolished and has speculated that President Trump has picked a macone parent because he believes she will help the Supreme Courts abolish the Affordable Care act which is something that he has been trying to achieve his entire time in office thats true its a good point it could be one of the very 1st items of business that she does if she wins the nomination hed have you corresponded call of white girl destroyed force in washington tonight carla think you are but here in Europe Germany has fared better during the coronavirus pandemic than many of its european neighbors but the number of new hot spots across the country well that number is on the rise especially in urban areas and thats prompted a range of new restrictions which differ from state to state leaving wants of people uncertain about the rules. 2 weeks of full vacations are in full swing for many people across germany but travel will be difficult this year especially for those living in the country socalled corona virus risk areas. Various areas have surpassed the threshold of 50 infections per 100000 residents over one week including german cities like berlin munich frankfurt and cologne. To try to stop the spread of the virus many german states have introduced travel restrictions for people who live in the risk areas in the states they cant stay in hotels or guest houses unless they show a negative covert 19 test no older than 48 hours or quarantine for 14 days but other states havent imposed restrictions the picture is chaotic making it hard for people in germany to understand where they can travel to and under what conditions the federal government is the fending the measure but critics say the Domestic Travel restrictions wont help stop the pandemic and will put a strain on germanys testing system. In my opinion really a reasonable. Measure because most travelers are no really infectious. Low risk. With the number of very important and very very p. C. R. Terrorists in order to make sure that. It is also very burdensome for the travelers and it is basically useless for controlling the pandemic is in germany. The new restrictions have disrupted travel plans at a time when many families across the country normally go on vacation people are frustrated by the lack of clarity. On the one hand i think its confusing for example i live in brandenburg and work in berlin and sometimes i wonder which rules apply where this always leads to some confusion and i would have liked more consistent rules i would prefer some uniform rules citizens would be more aware and maybe the rules would be communicated better. And if people understood the measures better maybe more would respect them. German chancellor Angela Merkel will meet with state leaders on wednesday as. Criticism of the accommodation ban grows they will try to bring some order to the chaos. Where the u. K. Is home to europes highest pandemic death toll and new infections there are growing at an alarming rate especially in the north of england today Prime Minister Boris Johnson at wind new measures to control the virus telling parliament that targeted local lines restrictions are the best way for me must act to save lives and the evidence shows that in changing our behavior in restricting transmission between us. Our actions on saving lives. Left unchecked each person with the virus will infect an average of between 2. 00 and 3. 00 others but sage assess that the current on nationally is between 2. 01. So were already suppressing that to well below its natural level which is why the virus is not spreading as quickly as it did in march all right lets take the story now to london dark correspondent here good losses on the story for us tonight you need to you better get so no National Lockdown for the u. K. What is the u. K. Getting tonight. And thats right people have been bracing themselves for additional measures and or is johnson explained and weve heard also doctors recently ruling somebody said theres like is like a tsunami waiting to happen because we see that we if we compare their hospitalization of patients that we are at the similar level that we were when lockdown started in march so that is really a problem and a problem is increasing specifically in the north of england and this is why Prime Minister for us johnson is now trying to put a brake on this and he introduced a system of 3 tears basically trying to make it transparent trying to explain to the people that this is going to work in england wide with the lowest here which for example we seeing and london at the moment. Where things are staying as they are so pubs are closing at 10 oclock for example schools are open. Most shops are open but then its the scale of a higher level and a very high level of risk and and different sort of measures that will be agreed with local councils you know these areas the top tier where we see you know use that are on the highest award love will be do we know exactly what restrictions will be imposed. Well the Prime Minister said that there will always be a discussion with the local councils in order to get people on board and you know how to help to actually adhered to the measures we do know that in the very high risk areas people will be restricted from visiting each other in doors and also there is talks at restaurants and bars can only sell for alcohol if they so meals and know basically node not just drinking in order to how people to to stay sober and not. To maintain social distancing basically what problem is that was johnson is trying to do hes been criticized a lot of late the trust level and how the government is handling the pandemic has really slumped of late because there was a theres a lot of talk that many mistakes have been made particularly in the north of england where we now see where the problem is biggest at the moment people are local leaders are complaining that the lockdown measures that were in place early in the year that eased to quickly their way east when everything was easier and better and london but that what happened in the north wasnt really taken into account so it was still quite a high level off the virus being around and looked and was leased based and this is why were seeing these problems now in the north of england already to be used to get most of the stories were in one big thank you were the European Union Foreign Ministers have agreed to impose sanctions on russia for the poisoning of kremlin critic likes you know germany and france put forward the proposal they concluded that most still must have been involved the European Union is also threatening sanctions against bellew soon leader Alexander Lukashenko unless he holds a crackdown against protesters and holds talks to diffuse his countrys political crisis. Theyre worth a 1000000 things in minutes consarn day again demonstrators took to the streets and once again they were detained in droves Security Forces ended the mass protest with water cannon stun grenades and large scale arrests in luxembourg you Foreign Ministers said they had seen no change in bellows and were now ready to add president Alexander Lucas shankar to a list of 40 officials already under sanction and today ministers recalled for. That. Lacks any democratic legitimacy and gave the political agree light to start preparing. The next section package which will include a look at shingle himself. The Foreign Ministers also criticized russia saying moscow had made no effort to clarify the circumstances surrounding the poisoning of Opposition Leader alexina vonnie last week the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons confirmed the deadly nerve agent nabil chalk was used on avani and now the e. U. Is preparing new sanctions against russia. To try catch often along with france are proposing sanctions be imposed on those individuals we believe to have been involved in this crimes which often be it so. That could mean asset freezes and all travel bans for those names that appear on the sanction list. Youre watching news ill be back at the top of the hour with more world news followed by of the day tonight a stress test for the u. S. Supreme court a test like never before the to see the. Combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and news. Our corona update. With 19 special next on d w. Can you hear me now yes yes we can hear you and i lost you gentlemen sound so that were bringing you im going to back off and youve never had to have a surprise yourself with what is possible who is medical what is that. Who talks to people who follows her own. The way my runs and critics now is the worlds most powerful woman shaping how they can join us from eccles last. 1000000 deaths a grim milestone for a pandemic thats not even a year old in 10 months more people have died from coven 1000 than from hiv malaria the flu and cholera combined hefty body counts for a microscopic pathogen and some experts think its an undercount. The pandemic isnt done yet cases are spiking in india and europe complacency and frustration are growing. Out of fear of the coronavirus in march and april but they dont anymore some are also leaving their homes because they have to go to work. They dont have any money and they dont have any other options. As the numbers continue to rise how long before the next milestone. This is due to these covert 900 special a low and welcome to the show im Stephen Beardsley in berlin 1000000 deaths in 10 months what began as a mysterious respiratory disease and china has now spread around the world leaving a significant body count in its wake and showing little sign of abating in the near future is a look at how we reached this point. The 1st Death Outside of china was reported in the philippines on february 2nd just 12 days later france confirmed the 1st victim in europe. At the end of february the United States reported its 1st death. On june 28th the global death toll hit half a 1000000 and just 3 months later the millionth victim was confirmed. The u. S. Has the highest death toll so far it also has the highest number of cases followed by india and brazil. Spain has the most confirmed infections in the European Union with cases surging across the world experts expect the global death toll to climb rapidly in the coming months. Now one of the countrys worst hit by the pandemic wasnt on that last list pru which is topped 800000 factions has had one of the worlds highest mortality rates and its economy has shrunk by a whopping 30 percent but new cases are slowing and thats prompted the government to begin easing restrictions many fear that theyre acting too soon. Finally able to be by her husbands side just doesnt cemetery in northern peru is the final resting place for local coronavirus victims now that restrictions have been eased relatives are allowed into visit even though it isnt at the spot ana maria and her husband had planned for your message to get up and when i went to town to make burial arrangements they told me i couldnt bury him in the plot we had chosen. I was told that an order had been issued that everyone who died from coated had to be buried in this cemetery. Others are still fighting for their lives perus president says the countrys Health Care System is stronger now than it was at the beginning of the pandemic. And the government is expanding testing including in low income areas of the capital lima. So with the rate of new infections on the decline the government is pushing ahead with plans to reopen more of the economy and even start letting in International Flights starting with neighboring countries but some Health Experts are warning against reopening to tast. Eating the nasty reopening gyms bars discos and other forms of entertainment will be terrible. So yes it could bring about a 2nd wave quicker the window and. I think we definitely need to reconsider these steps. The fear is that peru could repeat the pattern of other countries seeing a rise in cases followed by a new wave of mass burials. Im joined now by alan lopez hes an epidemiologist and professor at the university of melbourne which is where he joins me from professor its good to have you on the show youve said that this death count could actually be a vast undercounts by how much. Good is probably likely to be somewhere between 30 and 60 percent of an undercount you are number of factors why is that what are those factors. Oh as for principal thank you stephen i dont think youre driving the numbers down one is that doctors are still learning how to apply the w. H. O. Rules to certify the deaths in this theyre getting used to that until they get used to it properly dealt be undercounting did secondly good 19th. It kills people in ways that were still learning about in other words if they make the pfizer off the background risks if you go to hypertension if youre a smoker if youre overweight if youve got chronic lung disease then its likely that code 19 is going to be more serious for you and will kill many of the people with those conditions those comorbidities certainly credit 19 is having a big impact on Health Services so in developing countries were seeing programs essential programs like h o v control t v malaria are all being affected and so many of the people who need the services and not getting them and are probably dying as a result and even in rich countries we see people not turning up for Cancer Screening when they should be and finally and perhaps most importantly many many deaths in the world go home counted adele one 3rd of deaths go on registered each year and even many of those that are registered dont get a proper current cause of death so its likely to cover 19 sophos for more was conditions as well you mentioned the comorbidities can we say if theres a profile to the average coronavirus death from what we know about the death count so far well the main thing that drives covet to find 19 deaths is a the vast majority of people who die from code 19 die about the age of 70 and sex ratio of countries where we can count it reliably suggests that about for every female who dies theres about 3 miles so we got a fairly clear idea of the age and 6 composition of mortality are we slowing down the death rate since weve been going at this for about 10 months now have we learned enough to slow it down. The answer is no we have not slowed it down i dont know whether weve learnt enough to do that but we certainly havent applied it death rates are rising were seeing 2nd wave several countries in europe weve seen those in my country and australia deaths are rising theyre rising steadily and theyre going to rise a lot. When should we expect the next milestone say 2w3w do you have a prediction so difficult to predict but my prediction is that by at the end of this year by december 31st with probably see at least 2000000 possibly as high as 2 and a half 1000000 of the 19 deaths worldwide a professor our deaths the best way to understand the impact of this disease and the pandemic i dont think so i think the actual numbers of this is frightening as they are and as troubling as theyre going to be dont tell the full story covered 19 kills people primarily at older ages and in terms of Preventative Priorities that Public Health need to be concerned about we talk about the number of years of life lost on average from did in terms of good 19 most of those who died going to hold ranges and so they tend to lose much less years of life than for example a comparable number of deaths road traffic accidents for example kills 1200000 people every year vast majority of those are a lot younger than the code did some say you could argue that road traffic accidents or to be getting at least as much Public Health attention for prevention as code 19 all right lopez professor and epidemiologist from the university of melbourne thank you very much thank you. Well our science correspondent Derek Williams has been busy looking into your questions about the pandemic over now to derek. Many of the social controls put in place are based on asymptomatic transmission what evidence is there for such a phenomenon. Do people who are asymptomatic transmit source code to to others and if so then how infectious are they this is been one of those issues thats proven theyre a difficult to come to grips with in the course of this pandemic for for a couple of reasons 1st of all because we only really recently began to detect asymptomatic people on a wide scale seconds because todays asymptomatic patient can turn out to be only present and not and start showing symptoms tomorrow and were pretty sure that presumptive medic carriers can be highly infectious 3rd because the viral load and asymptomatic patient carries is usually very similar to that of someone showing symptoms so so what evidence is there that people who test positive for covert 19 but dont ever develop symptoms how likely is it that they can infect others. A preprint paper set for publication soon shows how tricky it can be to prove but but the researchers think they did it on a flight from italy to south korea carrying nearly 300 passengers who at the time displayed no 19 symptoms before boarding all of them were given and 95 masks and most more than throughout the flight except at meal times and when they went to the bathroom when the passengers arrived in seoul they were quarantined straight away for 2 weeks and all of them were tested on the 1st day and the last day of that quarantine 6 people tested positive for covert 19 that 1st day of quarantine but they never developed symptoms they were confirmed asymptomatic carriers but one woman who tested negative on the 1st day of quarantine developed symptoms on day 8 of it she had sat a few rows away from an asymptomatic patient and used the same bathroom as them because of the timing and what we know about the viruses in cube ation period the researchers concluded that she was very likely infected by one of the asymptomatic passengers on board the plane. Sounds kind of like a Sherlock Holmes mystery doesnt it it just goes to show you though how difficult it is to acquire and interpret this kind of evidence many studies have tried but so far none of them has been clear cut enough really for big Health Authorities like the w. H. O. Or the c. D. C. To take a stand on the issue. Our science expert Eric Williams there and that is it for this edition of covert 1000 sessional you can find more coverage of the pandemic on our website www dot com to check us out on facebook and twitter as well im stephen bears in berlin as always thanks for watching. Confrontation between china and taiwan the superpower is threatening to invade its neighbor. How serious is it to how is china justifying its claims. The w. s Richard Walker analyzes the causes and dangers of the conflict in taiwan chinas next target. Next on d w. Every day counts for us and for our planet. Global ideas is on its way to bring you more conservation. Law how do we make cities green. How can we protect habitats. We can make a difference from the wind uses the environmental series in global 3000 on t. W. And on line. This is some dope story a stubborn rice farmer from thailand. His problem pests. His credo no chemicals. And his canvas to. Step. Out. And sell it worse for. The students are the pests dont stand a chance. Of training successful. Such that it. Starts october 15th w. Last time on taiwan chinas next target time was military forces training for a scenario they hope will never happen a chinese invasion from across the sea. And. China seas

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