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The german language. This keeps me up and they go but uniquely to interrupt its the same you want to know their story the lights are fighting and reliable information for margarets. Case loads have been lower than forecast but the pandemic is hitting africas economy hard disrupting tourism and other crucial sectors. With work at a standstill for many theres less money for food and shelter here in the Lavender Hill section of cape town volunteers are ever present to feed the homeless and children. Fictions are on the rise and lives are becoming more precarious. The pandemic meanwhile rages occur. The african continent cases in algeria and egypt are on the decline but theyre taking up in morocco and tunisia. What would another wave of covert 1000. 00 mean for region already so hard hit. And welcome to door to those codes in 1900. 11 its good to have you with us 3000000 people in south africa have lost their work because of the pandemic and as a result many have lost their homes correspondent Adrian Krishna takes us to one of the many shanty towns now popping up across the country. Khayelitsha the largest township in cape town more than 1000000 people live here including the leak of a a month ago she could no longer afford the rent and simply butoh not on a vacant lot next door. After the. Hundreds of others to proceed and christened the new neighborhood covered 19. Because everything just happened because of this covert there were lost jobs nothing for us to my me anything thats why we have to take that cover 99. Shows us the makeshift hart where she lives with her boyfriend and 3 children. Oh yes this place is too small of one bed so where the children are going to sleep you see my house is also leaking and. I dont have anything to solve at the moment i dont have money but honestly. The family pays no rentier but the land doesnt belong to them. People are setting up their shacks all over the place here a lot of construction happening and many here are saying they dont have a choice because they cant afford to pay rent any longer but the city on the other hand says these illegal and invasions are causing huge problems city officials tell us there have been more than 30 new locations with massive land occupations in just the last 6 weeks law and order are in danger cape town lost 300. 00 hectares of land in the last year whatever the land was made for is lost whether it is all spittle screw clinic if a piece of land is standing open its because there is an intended Community Use for that land there is in the case of these big children invasions where i will tell you that Community Leadership in college just stood up this is not a fighter and invaders against the state or land invaders against the city of quetta this is the fight of land invaders against a city of quetta and local residents since june the city says it has torn down some 60000 hearts in some cases resulting in violence this man was pulled out of his hearts make it a court has now ruled that the city needs a court order for every question. And must of i turn a difficult day she into squatters. Structures but the city cant afford that 400000 people are already on the waiting lists for social housing that housing waiting list doesnt get shorter and the reason it doesnt get shorter is because theres constantly people pushing in the front if you were standing in a queue in a bank or a cinema with theatre or something and you never got to the front because people were constantly pushing in the front you would become very angry and enraged. When everything annie and her family have also been hoping for an apartment from the state for a long time so far in vain the governors will provide our needs because we need Something Like toilets or what. We have to get the we have to get them from the government its a lot right if we have to. Place we have to. Because when we need to go to the loo or you want to do the number 2 you have to take the bucket and then you who sell the place is going to be full of all those things. You can go to the. People who are building they are. Convinced that she will continue to live here in the future a court order for eviction takes up to one and a half years the police are not intervening for the time being and around the settlement continues to grow. Not just shelter thats been thrown into question because of the pandemic food is also becoming scarce in parts of africa the central hell region is among the continents hunger hotspots more than half of the populations of mali burkina faso and the share suffers from Food Insecurity defined as the lack of regular access to the food they need in mali the trend is even getting worse. And for more on this im joined by David Beasley the executive director of the World Food Program he joins me from berlin david its good to see you as always when we talk about Food Insecurity this term help us understand what that looks like on the ground for someone in mali or say burkina faso well its not good at all i mean it was already bad before code we had economic deterioration a lot of serious issues with the sri mr druce terrorist groups trying to exploit the situation and not to mention Climate Change moving down and millions of people being displaced and also the code comes right on top of that and so globally were seeing from and im not talking about people that are going to bit hungry im talking about people that are on the brink of starvation that number was 135000000 before now we see that number spiking to 270000000 by the end of this year and you break that down into places like mali or kenya faso nishi or in other regions of africa it really is a bad situation there were facing and were facing it literally as we speak it is unfolding as we speak david in what ways is the pen dimmock itself affecting Food Supplies it doesnt really involve sickness necessarily does it. Well its a combination of factors i mean you know what were seeing to give it a good example is in nigeria when they had a 5 week lockdown they had about a 1000 people die from code but we had a 1000000 people go into Food Insecurity because of the lot down as to where she had economic deterioration were seeing a spike in food prices throughout africa lack of access economic theory ation loss of jobs you know if you do a lot down in the city in berlin people get food in their pantry for a week or 2 but a lot of these places they live hand to mouth day to day so if you do a lot then youve got to make certain that we have a Safety Net Program in place if you dont if we dont address this right you will leave the headmaster patient mass destabilization or mass migration it is a lot cheaper to go in and help the people who need help during this extremely difficult time what exactly is needed to improve the situation talk about going in what kind of resources do you need and how close are you to getting it. Well youre not talking about a few 100000000. 00 tons of billions of dollars around the world but particularly in africa if we get the right money right now we can come in because were actually the supply chain for covert at this point in time you know with the airline interest shutting down so were moving copa supplies moving in food doing what we can do to make certain that we dont have export bans shut down a distribution points because if you do you might not get seeds in or fertilizer or food or whatever the case may be now what is critical is economic recovery and i know countries like germany which has done an amazing partner with us an economic stimulus package is also helping us direct monies only ground in the strategic locations because if we dont come in with the Strategic Support you can have destabilization in migration people dont want to leave their home area but if they dont have food and they dont have any degree of peace they dont do it as take it takes to do to protect their family their children the little girl the little boys enough they had more mothers tell me said my husband didnt want to join isis throughout florida but we had that our little girl in 2 weeks is to be easily please help us is so thankfully the people of germany the people around the world are stepping up but we still have a lot more money we need over the next many months and this is not going to play out just in the next couple of months i am really concerned about 2020 but i mean stream the concern about 2021 because the Economic Impact that code is head is going to play out i think in a devastating way with Economic Opportunity in africa so its not a short bowl game were talking about its a long run weve got to be really prepared for all right an urgent appeal there from David Beasley executive director of the World Food Program thank you very much for joining us thank you now its time for your questions to our science correspondent williams. Does smoking and the spread of coded 19. Smokers have had it pretty tough during this pandemic and as far as i can tell there is still not absolute watertight evidence of a direct link between smoking regularly and worse outcomes if you catch covered 19 but i wouldnt wait for that proof i mean come on this is a potentially severe respiratory disease and we know that smokers are hit harder when they catch a range of other pathogens that cause similar symptoms but if they have covert 19 does the act of smoking also make them more contagious to others could there could there Secondhand Smoke pose a danger of infection to those around them well we dont really know and its extremely hard to prove one way or the other but theres enough evidence it might that some regions in spain banned smoking in public last month and and other public spaces like some casinos in the u. S. Have done the same and the smoke that comes in a cloud out of the smokers knowledge when they when they exhale forcefully is basically a mix of particulates and aerosols thats exit in from deep within that persons logs and the evidence is going pretty convincing that aerosols can carry the virus so while theres no conclusive evidence on whether Secondhand Smoke is is more or less infectious that aerosols exhaled by by nonsmokers a lot of experts think it makes sense to err on the side of caution after all many are now saying that if you can smell what someone had for lunch you can also potentially catch covert 19 from them so it seems to me that the same would hold true for inhaling someone Secondhand Smoke. Derrick williams there and finally to mexico where a tattoo artist in the city of monterrey has come up with a novel way to deal with pandemic only to do is giving away free tattoos to those whove beaten the disease edging covert 1000 survivor on their arms he says the survivors have a 2nd chance at life. And thats it for us here at the over 1000. 00 special thanks for joining us. On the society and in the labor market diversity is called the morning gender and quick background in each orientation health for the military should be the deciding factor in career success. We talk to the Human Resources director is diversity Just Lip Service we all are seeing made in germany. Next on t. W. To the point. In the opinion its clear position the International Perspective its. A massive new leak of financial documents internationally renowned banks are continuing to aid and at that illegal Money Laundering corrupt are the banks thats our topic on to the point. To the point. That in 16 years on the t. W. We can see them. Sometimes since none. Of what connects people you stronger than what separates them. Is so strong that it can be torn down. We celebrate the 30th anniversary of germanys real unification. To preserve on t. W. Were all different even though at the same time were all basically the same were fashion from a myriad of factors like age ancestry gender gymnastic ability nature and nurture and so is the worlds work force so just how do Companies Manage to deal with human diversity if its to improve on that front a reality well mainly lip service thats our topic today on made data we use business magazine whoever and however you off welcome to the program. Companies should be adapting to the realities of an open and Diverse Society however ensuring tolerance and respect for others in the workplace is perhaps easier said than done firms usually have to adopt a range of strategies to address the issue here at the w where an extremely diverse bunch with people from 60 countries working together and over 30 languages and the differences with celebrating go beyond just where we came from as my colleague shock has been finding out. When and men young and old people of various ethnic backgrounds with different religions and world views different sexual orientations with and without disability. The dont develop team in berlin is a colorful mix. I wanted to know how does it work at other companies how big a variety is there and how do the bosses deal with it. And this t. V. Commercial for germanys 2nd biggest mail order group is also making a statement about openness and tolerance. Its a vision of a Corporate Culture that excepts people for who they are. That may be every day life for workers at auto these days. But it wasnt always like that. It was sports. Even in germany in 2020 its far from uncontroversial that we run ads featuring homosexuals and we get hateful comments online sometimes really disgusting hurtful remarks we just have to accept it and we make a conscious decision to do that and i think its important that we do accept it because sometimes showing this attitude can help you endure. Bad time could never work in a company where he has to keep his sexuality. Secret. He set up an l g b t q network where employees can Exchange Ideas and find support many people are afraid to come out according to a recent study every 3rd. Person in germany experiences discrimination at work. Lets say im not out and a colleague asks me about it then i only have 2 options i can lie or i can be forced to reveal my sexuality. Because i think thats why its so important for a company regardless of its diversity management policy to create a Corporate Culture that promotes openness and diversity. We leave through all catalogs from the seventys to the ninetys. A time when you couldnt order fashion online. Almost all female and male models are white caucasians. If you look here all of these models are one type of person theyre basically all white women of the i dont know about you but when i look at it from todays perspective its a distorted picture of the world. Things look very different today and a company trying to sell products to the general public has to take social diversity into account every city should be a top priority. Is the only woman on the board and she works part time. Even being able to do that is not a given. When measured by whether were making empty promises or if we stick to it through our behavior and initiatives and show that were authentic. That. Its often difficult for homosexuals or transsexual men or women to find work but more and more companies are hiring at special john ferris my. Sticks and stones in berlin. And Stuart Cameron was one of the fair organizers he knows from personal experience what discrimination feels like the o. E. C. D. Estimates that a candidates chances drop by 50 percent if their peepers. Discrimination is mostly very in direct for example you dont get invited to certain meetings or you dont get the promotion youre in line for you dont even get invited in the 1st place. It was the same with me when it came out that i was gay and it was really remarkable to see how colleagues suddenly started to become more distant like carson he got scratched in the company parking lot. So it was very important for me to find out which companies out there really dont care who backed me if i have a problem who can i turn to and do i truly believe that this Company Believes in this is. Using his experience he started his own business and now advises companies on how they can better address diversity issues. Such as having the right contact person. And that also includes instructing management events workshops and training. I would say the biggest challenge we face on this issue is time. Of course i see how a lot has happened in the past 11 years and things have become more open but it takes time and its happening too slow for me i wish that more companies but also individuals out there would simply understand just how good and important it is and that there was more investment in this area because its good for everyone. In germany as a. P. Is considered a Model Company on matters of diversity there are workers from 118 countries at the software companys headquarters. Different cultures and ways of thinking and styles of communication meet here. Diversity needs to be managed or otherwise there could be problems. Ahead of personnel was forced to flee afghanistan for germany as a 14 year old on his own. Today hes responsible for over 20000 workers. From the companys point of view openness to diversity means locating the best talent for the respective jobs in the respective team we have these talents everywhere theyre not only white or german but could be indian male homosexuals accent or a if you only look at the specific requirements of a job a diverse team automatically emerges. Large companies can benefit from an open Corporate Culture mixed teams often achieve better results precisely because they have a harder time together. I think we have to do it because its the right thing to do because the world has differences they do have to accept weve also notice that the more innovative when they dont all come from the same pot metaphorically speaking. In about a dozen i lost in life. But of course this also applies in recruitment if were more open as employers and we are more attractive option right thats why its not just an end in itself but its also a good fit and has quantifiable advantages for corporate success even. Allowing diversity in a company is a challenge which ultimately. We need to talk about money and that can sometimes seem crude but addressing diversity means addressing the yawning gaps in how different groups of people are paid for the same work were voted so many times here on g. W. About gender pay differences but the change that needs to happen simply hasnt its time to get something done but 1st a few facts. Why do women earn less. Its not a myth womens wages remain low while mens climb higher and higher. In germany she earns 21 percent less than a man and she has far less chance of obtaining a company car but where does the difference come from lets look back a couple of decades. In the wake of the 2nd world war in germany there was a shortage of men and women had to take on hard work their fight for just wages was particularly invalid women demanded equal pay and they were successful. Then came the bitch office wonder the economic miracle the traditional gender roles returned with a vengeance. In west germany at least they have a could remain a housewife and stay home to take care of the kitchen the kids and her husband. Both socially and legally men were seen as the only breadwinners this role division continued for decades and it continues to affect employment today. David chose a typical womens job working in a Human Resources department. Careers in i. T. The Natural Sciences and high tech didnt interest her. The problem is typical womens work is paid less nurses and caregivers often earn less than a Truck Mechanic for example for in addition eva interrupted her career to raise a family and later worked only half days she never sit in the bosss chair. A vicious circle. As it stands now researchers say evil would have to work almost another 170 years before she finally earns as much as a man equal pay in germany wouldnt become a reality until the year 2187. Will keep reporting on that issue but women work as a facing other disadvantages besides lower pay the coronaviruses in something of a regression towards the gender roles of the past men have been the 1st to return to offices while women of often been left juggling working from home with keeping the kids schools and entertained entrepreneur and mother in a doll things that are totally out of order shes been speaking to our reporter it also gives us a little insight into his daily routine. I cook at home or on my own shirts and i work full time for my unique. You definitely unique quite rare for many women would be a dream come true which is a good thing. If. Working from home is good because it gives people a chance to take care of their children and their careers are there any downsides. They have us probably missed the problem is that during the coronavirus and to make women pay the price for the good of Society Women have followed their hearts and taken care of their families and their children they want to do this as well but they also still have to do they paid work it said gender roles back a few decades ago. Back to the fiftys. Coronavirus could encourage further discrimination against women. One is all my concern is that if unemployment continues to rise due to the coronavirus women will get a broad deal by staying at home doing more part time work taking care of people more and paying an even higher price. My impression is that if a woman wants a career she caught up a child and she wants a child she has to for go the career how can we avoid this dilemma. In germany it is unfortunately often the case that women must choose and get trapped working part time but order that means that i do a job part time that is normally full time but im constantly get told that i cant have a career if i dont work full time plus i have to do 100 percent of the housework that i do if i didnt have a job so im constantly stressed so i think if a woman wants to have a career and chilled. And my advice to her would be to work full time. Because the likelihood of her finding a Partnership Model in which the man does a lot of housework and it is much higher than if the woman who were to work part time in title of hold and. Need more men who contribute and share the workload definitely definitely we need men and businesses to contribute other relationship models are possible ive had one with my husband for 20 years i cannot emphasize this enough we both work full time we have 4 children and we dont have an au pair or a nanny we manage by alternating between working long days and short days 6 hours 10 hours 6 hours 10 hours and that works well. And i cant bear to hear any more businesses say we have standards and just cant find a qualified woman i cant bear to hear it anymore because its not true and we need to consider that women present themselves differently and their qualifications come across differently and we need to take a closer look at that. How one person by looking at people differently and not just at those who appear boastful story thats not true for all men and theres less to it than what it might sound like there are men who are very competent dont get me wrong but men also present themselves with their chests broad and proud and women tend to be more modest and hope to be discovered and dicta. But that doesnt usually work you know they can no it doesnt but it also doesnt work when women say ill act like a man throughout my career ive heard again and again you act like a man and youre too dominant cant you be more humble women have to realize that that can hold them back as well as im a doctor who suffered at all. Diversity also means people of different abilities working alongside each other however disability can make finding a job much harder for example just one in 4 blind people in germany is employed over claudia last shot camp and visited him have been speaking to 3 women making a success of themselves in the world of work and one of them to write to the outer reaches of his comfort zone. Let me know when it starts to hurt can you still speak. And breathe. A period i have retinitis pigmentosa its a genetic disorder and causes tunnel vision my eyesight was quite good until i was 30 or 35 i could still ride my bike route given been on the far. Right most of my patients dont even know when i tell them im legally blind they say they dont believe me. Or that i was a quick. One can verify it is if you can cover up a lot you become a champion in covering it up of course i have changed my coworkers to never put things in the wrong place. I get so mad if i have to spend hours hunting for something if i reach for it and its not where its meant to be and i have to start looking for it. I dont know my parents always supported me they never said you wont be able to do that. But lynn is very noisy very crowded and people just leech other a lot its a challenge. I see light in dark and contours here in this hall i can make out the windows and the round lamps that look like bright patches. So i can orient myself quite well. I locate the steps with my stick i know the courthouse building very well with all its corridors and corners. And sighted people often get lost here and cant find their way out without help. But when i was 11 i once went to a Lawyers Office was amazing so it was clear that i would study law. The figure of justice is always depicted with a blindfold in my case given that i cant see i dont judge people by their exterior because i cant that also means i dont get distracted and remain focused on what people tell me. Thats isnt mean im entirely free of preconceptions theyre just a bit different blind people might not like the sound of someones voice or the way they shake your hand. Im not a living light detector but i am pretty sensitive to what people are telling me whether its true or whether theyre lying theres just. Something if you cant imagine a blind person can climb a flight of stands you wont believe that a visually impaired person can hold their own in the workplace. Ive been blind since birth but when i say im on my way to work. People ask if im going to a workshop for the blind they should be asking where do you work that just goes to show how many preconceptions there still are. In the Digital World technology is a blessing and a curse at the same time there are some websites we can use easily but far too many are not excessive. Going just coming. In on the app will tell me. That. Its just not secure the bus is just arriving no. Standard that can be recognized by the app. It says the next one is delayed coming in 10 minutes it doesnt show the one thats just come in so i got on the. Style of in town because theres good public transport that lets me get around. That if self driving cars ever become available and i can afford one i might consider moving to the country. Long view of diversity is that cultural and ethnic background should play no role in our ability to be employed however your race can still be a boon or a burden on the job market something my colleague to ponder chin barely has been finding out for himself aaron but it. Heres the information a german employer would get about me. Im a journalist the dortch of ella in berlin and im black and african in case youre wondering. After 12 years in germany im still surprised that data on ethnic origin and race isnt something german employers normally record about race and ethnicity can still play a role in whether you get hired. A foreign sounding name can already be a barrier and german employers typically expect a photo along with a job application so what you look like and your perceived race or ethnicity influences your chances of getting a job. German companies recognize that theres a problem with just one of they doing to reduce bias in recruitment. One of the countrys largest employers says its made diversity part of its core strategy. Parader georgia baan employs more than 200000 people across germany the companys diversity manager says they only recruitment system helps them to be more objective. But what happens when humans and not computers are involved. Up next of all. Where to Start Testing a new measure that will run during our diversity week. Test it will be a kind of blind audition process blind auditions become ones 1st will remove all personal data from the job application this is its. For the blind auditions the recruiters will sit in one Video Conference room and sits in the candidates will sit in a different Conference Room or in the recruiters will only be able to hear the candidates not see them. But the candidates will be able to see the recruiters. Zied the always fair and oh well thats a bit like the voice. Yeah. But you can still tell a lot from a voice and an accent several major german corporations have adopted diverse we try to do when we sense here and that has helped them to hire people from different nationalities and different cultural backgrounds but race and ethnicity remain a major problem when it comes for places from a nation. A survey by germanys Antidiscrimination Agency shows that one in 3 people who reported Workplace Discrimination said it was because of their ethnicity or race the berlin based citizens for europe says more needs to be done to understand how race and ethnic origin affect people in the labor market here in the u. K. Is a step ahead 2 years ago the British Government published its 1st race disparity audit the report revealed significant pay differences among various ethnic and racial groups and their White British p. S. According to official u. K. Statistics in 2018 month nordic groups current nearly 22 percent less on average than their white peers in london by the countrys ethnicity pick up as widest. Thats why calls to require companies to report ethnicity paid a growing louder. Wage. She finished yet. They could use. All right well thank you very much things are moving far too slowly when it comes to diversity discrimination based on ethnicity or race is still very much a reality in the u. K. Germany and elsewhere and it also affects us in the workplace. Ive learned a lot while working on this report but im not convinced employers are doing enough to prevent discrimination based on that misty and race. Not enough is another way of saying too little isnt it so fast is something that as were seeing can also mightily benefit us all and will keep reminding companies of fat fact upon this report brings to an end this edition of made his business magazine its been great to have you with us until next time take. To. Come. To the point to strong opinions clear positions of International Perspective such. A massive new leak of financial documents to list them internationally renowned banks are continuing to aid and abet illegal Money Laundering the corrupt are the banks thats our topic on to the point. To the point. That the team has the goods on t. W. Life on earth one of a kind i am subject to coincidence. Where the improbable happened the to lose good enough for us im going to damn the creation of our solar system without a plan it is a bit like winning the lot of race control going in the. Last person more unique. In 75 minutes on t w. We know that this is a scary time for us the coronavirus is changing the world changing our lives so please take care of yourself keep your distance wash your hands if you can stay at how we are d. W. P. Press here for you we are working tirelessly to keep you informed on all of our platforms we are all in this together and together make it through to. Stay safe everybody stacy stay safe stay safe please stay safe. All. Of the morning. Because you know for the news and love. In the swallow smaller will. Lose all the tools. Theres no use no love. For them which. Doesnt. Want to give me the book or the. Cant sleep. Couldnt sleep. Rather. Small. This is date over your news and these are our top stories france has set another record for daily kovac 1000 infections with more than 16000 new confirmed cases and the number of people hospitalized with the virus has surpassed 6000. 00 for the 1st time in 2 months france is currently introducing a tougher social distance

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