Chinese. Is the aft steel and. On all sides wake up. And we visit a city in thailand thats being televised by monkeys with no tourists to feed them because of the pandemic gangs of the hungry animals roaming the streets. Welcome to the program Chinas National Peoples Congress has passed a controversial security law for hong kong that critics fear will give beijing more control over the semi autonomous territory some people in hong kong showed their support for the new law prodemocracy activists opposed to. The strict freedom and is that with the one country 2 systems policy agreed by try. When he took control of the former british colony in 1907 britain has called the new law a grave step but hong kongs chief executive Cunningham Said the norwood only targets a small criminal minority. Done enough in hong kong as prodemocracy activist wong disha when the chief executive says the no one target only a small criminal minority do you believe. No i dont think we can barely carry lemon saying that the law will react in fact a small portions of people because at last you can see there are almost 2000000 people on the street and that demonstrate how and how much distrust we have towards the government and thats not the scariest thing about this law its not about how many people that its going to vest or how many people its going to take and its near detainments a still a ts but they fear that a lot generates and it will turn into like tara and hong kong that stops here program speaking out and the whole be terrified to speak out against china and speak up against all human rights allegation that it has systematically committed and this is the most worrying part of the law its not actually and not about what is inside a lot but the fear that. I know of would leak to in hong kong because people are now really terrified about what may happen and even ordinary citizens will refrain from talk and speaking out were talking about politics anymore because theyre afraid that the law would affect them if entropy so i dont believe in kerry lamb saying thats what this is only targeting a small pleasure people its actually targeting and its aiming at destroying to freedom of speech that we used to have in the city being that is it me and you all to speak about the fear does not mean that hong kongs prodemocracy movement is effectively dead. No its not at all we are calling for protests tomorrow on the 1st of july even though the police house has banned it and define it as an illegal profits of anyone shows up but this is our right to go to process and this is our right to speak up against whatever we find is in jest im just and i dont think a movement will die because even though they are Political Parties that have to stand and hong kong but we as far as individuals who are still gonna fight for their freedom that want to serve and human rights in a fundamental rights that we ought to have so i dont think anyone can declare that data dependent movement and how come. You would continue to fight in your other colleagues in the prodemocracy movement but then what change will that lead to apparently no one is listening to you at least in hong kong and certainly not beijing. I i cannot say that many have achieved really of right results of course because at the factors the law is being implemented and how come very certain and but i see it changing attitudes toward china from the International Community so im calling for thanks Nash Community to impose sanctions or take whatever effective measure that is to stop china from compromising our cities freedom and independence because it will and the autonomy of our city because it well for sure head to the world at last and it doesnt matter if we have achieved results yet because this is the right thing to do and we are doing it not because we see we have hope or anything but it was the right thing for us to do leisure in hong kong thank you very much the e. U. Has also been expressing concern about the security northmore did barbara views on dragunov from brussels barbara what has the reaction been in the. The e. U. Has reacted in a rather more straightforward way than it used to deal with china in the past we deplore the decision it risks undermining the autonomy off hong kong that might be sincere or severe consequences for china if this is carried out and carried to the extreme the e. U. Will talk to its International Partners in order to coordinate a response its a breach of chinas International International obligation so we have heard sort of the whole diplomatic verbiage here but in a rather strict and very straight manner a sharper the tone is sharper than that you have found it with china in the past because just last week the heads of the European Union had a Video Conference with the Chinese Government and it was an extremely frustrating experience the chinese were not ready to give or move on any point so now the question is what is going to happen next we heard the words today what it will be see deeds will we see action from the European Union you also mentioned severe consequences being words that are doing good on you but how much leverage does the you really have on china considering china for girls is one of the top trigged of the u. Yeah but china is also the top trading partner for the e. U. Is the top trading partner for china i mean this cuts both ways obviously so theoretically we could say the European Union has tremendous leverage towards china because if they say we close our doors and you can just go away and do whatever you want we have nothing to do was you anymore i mean that would leave china completely isolated completely out in the cold all exports would would be cut off its not imaginable because of course we look at the Economic Situation in germany where exports are flowing into china of course so this really is a situation that mines the 2 sides together but the e. U. Is increasingly frustrated that china will not yield to any of its reasonable demands and we have reached the point where relations are really sliding into this deep freeze mode that we havent seen in decades and it seems dangerous pass and of course European Union is now looking towards washington hoping for is somewhat more reliable partner there it wants to talk about sanctions rises and it is coming already and the german presidency of the European Union will have to deal with this very tricky issue within the next 6 months but of years and in brussels thank you very much for that sending a team to china next week in an effort to search for the origin of the virus the doctor which also warned that the pandemic was caught speeding up a case surge in the australian state of victoria has prompted the visuals to order a month long the lockdown of. The measures affect hundreds of thousands of residents in the countrys 2nd largest city restrictions are also being tightened in the british city of leicester where new infections accounted for 10 percent of all cases in england last week businesses be closed from today and schools will follow suit next week the e. U. Has named 14 countries whose citizens it deems safe to 19 from the 1st of july australia canada and japan not among those countries the us brazil and china are not on the safe midst. The future are off for europe after the pandemic that was the main topic as german chancellor Angela Merkel and french president. Met beilin it was their 1st face to face meeting since the pandemic it back in march the 2 leaders were eager to shore that they were united on a multi 1000000000 euro plan they say is true. Future the greeting was distanced because of coronavirus but warm nonetheless it is not by chance that the man who is the 1st foreign leader to meet with chancellor merkel since the virus crisis began the pair spearheading a 500000000000 euro proposal for rebuilding europes economy are the pandemic these are 2 leaders who want to Work Together and be the driving force for europe. Thats going on that we understand that europe is not united nearly because germany and france agree but when germany and france disagree it does not look so good for unity in europe so perhaps we can find agreement on many questions and make a contribution and give a positive impulse to new things in the right direction for europes future. Even as germany prepares to take over the presidency of the e. U. On the 1st of july america is more central than ever to the future of the block the french president for his part wants to be seen to be injecting his own energy and ideas into the tandem he brought with him from paris a proposal for a new environmental levy and he spoke of how European Values have prevailed during the pandemic. Across europe there has been an open and transparent debate from the start i think our citizens should be aware of what that means in many other parts of the world some more severely affected by the virus than are the assistance of both individuals and companies has not been as massive far from it and in many places the epidemic has been synonymous with the suspension of democratic life but not here in europe democratic on the. Macro has been weakened by his partys poor results in local elections on sunday medicals handling of kobe has boosted her support even though the plan to transfer funds to struggling countries in Southern Europe is a huge u. Turn which not all in her party back but as they try to convince some reluctant e. U. Members that they have the right recipe for recovery france and germany want to make sure theyre pointing in the same direction. And at the press conference with the president across the chancellor was asked by a french journalist why she has never been seen wearing a corona face covered as angular americans on typically. Finish the absolutely going to follow the distancing rules i dont need a mosque and if im not following the distancing moves for example when i go Grocery Shopping and i suppose we dont run into each other otherwise you would have seen me in a mosque. But havent tell you when and where i go Grocery Shopping. But of course i stick to what is recommended by the robot constitution where a mosque whenever a safe distance cannot be maintained. To mistreat them and there will certainly be future occasions where i will be seen wearing a mask. Mask. When im asked when you go Grocery Shopping thats an answer to the e. U. As you said earlier is putting the final touches on a socalled safe list of countries whose travelers will be granted entry in july not to notice of me absent is the us a major hotspot for corona virus infections and one of europes biggest sources of tourists. Rooms biggest sites are once again open for terrorists but for americans theres no place at the table a painful reality for many businesses. And more to put. American tourism is very important. Its a country with many inhabitants and the number of tourists is very high they always come to rome or they always have come if they dont come everything will be attractive. To us was europe 2nd largest source of nondomestic tourists in 2018 when the u. K. Is counted americans even visited ireland and higher numbers than brits. One possible bright spot travelers from china could soon be allowed back in the e. U. Chinese tourist numbers have steadily gone up over the years. Still the going is slow for europes Top Destinations this. Even europeans are staying closer to home and that could leave many businesses with no other choice but to shut their doors. Now to some of the other stories making the news at this venezuelas president Nicolas Maduro has ordered the European Unions ambassador to leave the country comes to brussels slapped sanctions on several officials loyal to the president more than 50 countries including much of the e. U. Recognize opposition leader. As venezuelas interim president. The death of a father and son from alleged torture by police in india have sparked protests and outrage across the country the 2 men were arrested for keeping their store past permitted in the Southern State of time and not due to policemen have been suspended in the case. And Oil Giant Royal Dutch Shell says it will take a 2nd quarter hit of up to 22000000000. 00 euros thats due to the economic slowdown during the coronavirus pandemic and the subsequent collapse in oil prices. Canada. Has filed for bankruptcy protection since march the pandemic has forced the world famous circus operator to cancel shows and lay off staff the Entertainment Group which runs shows around the globe has already suspended 95 percent of its workforce it says it hopes to rehire the majority of those employees on struck downs on the. To india now which has banned 59 and chinese made apps citing National Security concerns the applications into the Popular Video sharing apps to talk and. You see browser delis is the apps were stealing and transmitting users data in an unauthorized way and allegation the companys deny it comes amid heightened tension between the 2 powers after a standoff in the disputed him ali a region that left 20 indian soldiers. The democrats on the mission is monitoring developments for us and joins me now from delhi lets begin with the border situation 1st which remain stands whats being done to resolve this. Well race tensions between the 2 asian giants have been dry 6 have been high since the beginning beginning of nice almost 2 months now the line of actually controlling the just the deep back to bordeaux between the 2 countries has seen densham and this is you looking into ahead in the middle of june when 20 indian soldiers just died in one night between the soldiers from both sides now what countries after this event have said that they would like to just dissolve any such tensions peacefully actually die knowing that they want a white escalation but im not saying these tensions even 2 weeks off to the incident would mean high india has an edge the chinese there has been chinese construction in the indian part and of course china town does this by saying that indians will just have 40 into chinese tenchi so of course given that this isnt long standing but just because of differing view was that is the need for a long time off last to make sure that these these differences in opinion do not escalate into a not the nature of conflict lets talk about the banning of 59 chinese Chinese Companies dominating local markets and beating out Indian App Developers so is this current to bad really about National Safety or is it about hurting China Economic committee. As a nation definitely been a white boy and this is amongst the public and on social media as well he shine nowhere toilets in the light during this time of tension between the 2 countries and this means economic that has been a white white coat of chinese goods trade associations are also come out saying theyve been modifying chinese donna so why india says that these absent good you should do indians all vanity intake to be im security it could be couched in this white of oil for heating cyanotic anomic but of course its important for us to keep in mind that india and china actually it is massive 2900. 90000000000. 00 and it would not be so simple and analysts say that such and breaking the 5 would actually call it india much more because in getting things in chinese imports much more than china and india if. There is a dress fault in delhi thank you very much for that change of subject now and the talks on the post breaks it straight do you have started again on the agenda is a controversial issue of fishing rights the u. K. s plan to district fishing within its maritime borders to british ships is creating headwinds for the dutch fishing industry. Rush hour begins shortly after 4 in the morning in i might and in that the lens dozens of troll is land there cuts here hold in from right across the north street. Up to neils plas and his crew are at sea for 4 days have netted 1000. 00 tons of place marker old and red mullet to fill the class says those are especially worthwhile because they command the best price. I think i was born to fish always wanted to do it my grandad had his own ship it was my passion even as a boy its a part of you that you want to catch fish in the face from. Thats what the dutch have been doing for centuries in the north sea from coast to coast but since the british said though restrict fishing within their maritime borders to british ships only after brags that the dutch read captain class says things are becoming more aggressive on the high seas. When we read your british colleagues to be the exact routes to put out the only reply we get is brags that. The crews here follow every twist and turn of the brags that negotiations in brussels they fear their 4000000000 euro a year sector wont figure greatly in the giant model of diplomatic talks. Compared to banks in the old all industry fishing the small change. Fishing is obviously just a relatively small sector they call me but regionally for individual towns its enormously important Great Britain on the other hand is an island nation that the sea is important for the fishing is symbolic the only point they can see or brags it is emotional but actually it is a loathing of the harbor the fresh cuts as being option prices are tumbling each lot goes to. The 1st to place a bid yet this very hole is where the local fishers place their remaining hopes because its also where a huge amount of the place and heron caught in british waters is sold into the e. U. The potential joker in the breaks at poker. If the british want to let us fish in their waters then we have to put a stop to the fish trade with britain and theyll have to eat all the a fish themselves. If they. Get a ford is working hard to prevent that happening he represents the dutch fisheries is in Constant Contact with brussels for it dividing up the north sea isnt the solution he thinks a larger cold so for britain is better. You have herrings dont care about brags that when they are small they off the german and danish colds when theyve grown when they taste really good as you find them here off scotland we can all feel horse catch them off germany but they are smaller there it doesnt make sense because they are not worth as much go for the captain mills plus and his crew are hoping the negotiators in london and brussels might finally grasp that simple point. Of the other stories making news this the u. S. Aviation regulator has started test flights of boeing 737 max the plane has been grounded following 2 pressures which can. Investigators blamed on the Flight Control system for the incidents with the test flights having to evaluate new creates. A former Police Officer who committed a series of Violent Crimes in california in the 1970 s. And eightys has pleaded guilty to 13 and admitted dozens of rapes joseph james de angelo was arrested in 2018. For the mystery a student who became known as the golden state hes facing life in prison without the possibility of parole. Sentence has voted to decriminalize homosexuality making it one of the few countries in africa to reverse a ban on same sex relationships the law will take effect when its ratified by the president whose government pushed for the amendment. The residents of a city in thailand have got their hands full with gangs of hungry monkeys staying away because of the pandemic so the binondo as they used to give the monkeys are no longer keeping them fed thats forced the monkeys onto the streets desperately looking for something to eat and that means trouble. At 1st glance these could almost be scenes from a zoo fearless primates ruled the town center of lopburi in central thailand the city is famous for its ancient temple ruins and for its population of around 2 and a half 1000 mechanics for years City Residents have had a love hate relationship with their long tailed neighbors the monkeys attract tourists but theyre also prone to create mayhem since the pandemic business is almost completely dried up for those selling monkey food to tourists. Of new york where were now seeing the impact of covert 19 for months everything here was shut down now visitors are slowly starting to return but they dont buy much the monkeys are really hungry. Locals say the situation has never been so bad. I cant look away for a 2nd if im not sitting here to take care of the shop they come in open the fridge take drinks and steal snacks from us its really difficult living with the monkeys. I got bitten by a monkey jumped on my head and bit me i had to get some shots afterwards everyone living around here must have been. Big or small wound everyone. These escalating clashes have now caused wildlife officials to step in over the last few days theyve captured hundreds of monkeys on the streets of la brea to have them sterilized by state veterinarians. 1st the animals need to be sedated. Once theyre unconscious they shaved and given a tattoo to indicate theyve been neutered. Then they have to go under the knife the plan is to sterilize 500. 00 of the mechanics by august. A good if the monkey population were to increase even more rapidly the more animals we have the greater the number of conflict people have with them i dont want to see the monkeys getting hurt and those conflicts and so what were doing here is about protecting them i think that is what is protecting peoples property. The white house. The day after their procedure the monkeys are released back into the city after old bill really would not be the same without its monkey business. Problematic primates some football news now goalkeeper john. And defend George George and lenny every extend of their contracts with italian giants you venters for one more year before the turn to uva last summer after spending one season with french side. Used in a reserve role the 42 year old has made 13 appearances since returning meanwhile. He has become a mainstay since joining in 2000. And have them and lead them to the 9th street by 3. Formula one world champions meditators have revealed that their cause for this season will be all black in a tribute to the black lives Matter Movement the announcement was greeted with virtual applause from their driver Lewis Hamilton on twitter head of the delayed Season Opener in austria on sunday 1st black while champion has been campaigning for more equality and diversity in the sport beats. Youre watching news dont forget you can. Comment you can follow us on the pitch. At the. I finished college and im going back 30 minutes to. Come up. With. The for. Me. Sanders spreading ever father across morocco. Away seas in the sahara used to sustain cross parity even in the desert. Climate change is hastening this terrifying transformation. People here are desperate to find a solution. Moroccos endangered oases close up. Next on d w. A a a must to the biggest mysteries of. The brain. And still a chance to avoid relegation. Zone stuff last in colombia. Where just definitely out of being lost. In this league newcomer. Team. This is some joke story about stubborn rice farmer from thailand. His problem. Is crito no chemicals. And its time to. Step. Out. Of it worse for. The students who are. Training successful. Such a starts july 27th t w. This village elders have great issues on their minds. Then holding a crisis meeting to discuss whether their village has a future or not a good