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Team is processor wire card collapsed last week but its shares surged as speculators spot an opportunity for profit clubs we visit a city in thailand thats being terrorized by monkeys with no tourists to feed them because of the pandemic gangs of the hungry animals are roaming the streets in search of food. Im sorry kelly welcome to the program Chinas National People Congress has passed a controversial security law for hong kong that critics fear will give beijing more control over the semi autonomous territory a Standing Committee of the congress unanimously approved the bill beijing says it aims to tackle sedition subversion terrorism and collusion with. Foreign forces it has drawn International Criticism for being at odds with the one country 2 systems policy agreed by china when it took control of the summer british colony in 1970. 2 and joining me now from hong kong is democracy activist glacier qual welcome to the program and thank you for joining us this law expect expected to take Effect Tomorrow what do you think happens next. Actually because no one have actually seen the content of the law even though its passed now so nobody knows for sure what is going to happen if activists like famous activists like joshua walmart and me will get it eventually so nobody knows for sure whats going to happen but it surely marks the end of the wine country to a system that its a devastating blow to the Judicial Independence of hong kong and they fear that the law generates is the most scary part because people are now very afraid to speak up theyre not sure if they should come out to the street tomorrow for the 1st of july march and their freedom of speech freedom of assembly its going to disappear and were afraid the congress will practice all censorship so that no old freedom of speech and they will be very afraid to speak out so this is a really devastating blow to our liberty and another thing its also foreigners actually and danger by the loss of all whoever bush who is showing sympathy towards the movement or participated in those supporting rallies and other countries may be held responsible once they set it on College China so its actually very dangerous well not only hong kong its also foreigners who care about hong kong you mentioned joshua while the other activists you expect them to be arrested what indications do you have that that will indeed happen. I think because show she for example josh one of had a savior of the movement and he represents the punk congress and the International Stage so i think he would be considered as someone who is lobbying for foreign intervention and the chinese officials are so i really think that he would be one of the main targets after the law is implemented at home. As the prodemocracy movement. What is your next move now. The next move would definitely not be leaving hong kong or or come trying to the regime at this point but we dont actually have a really solid plan but we will continue to do what were doing for example the election in september is coming out with a child so when the maturity in the polman attractive and all government budgets and bill and we can gain majority in the policy and we also. Calling for people to come under state on the 1st of july and processed of this National Security law even though the police have spanned. And defined that if anyones come up that will be considered as an Illegal Assembly but we should do that because this is a human rights and a fundamental right to have the freedom of Assembly Freedom of speech. Freedom of Assembly Freedom of speech on these protests on the on the streets and we have seen in the past months in the past years this is certainly nothing new but do you do you think you have to admit defeat now. No i dont think well we should have met defeat at this point its true that the Chinese Government is 5 passing on legislation using really strong had approaches but actually that means theyre actually running out of tricks that they can feel at home cronk they have run out of any other feasible meshes so that they have to adopt such a hard line approach and we think that this is due to the International Community is actually turning against china after the calls at 1000. 00 condemning more countries are starting to realize the threat that china proceeds to the world and a piece of the world and thats why china is very desperate in securing home and therefore securing its status in the International Community so i dont think its anything to feet its actually a sign that the chinese dont run out of checks thats why they have to use such hotline measures glacier kong joining us from hong kong part of the prodemocracy movement there with your reaction to the passage of this bill in china today thank you so much for sharing that with us thank you. And lets get up to date with the latest developments new time in the corona virus pandemic the World Health Organization says it is sending a team to china next week in an effort to search for the origin of the virus that if you h. O. Also warning of the pen demick was quote speeding up and china has reimposed a street to lock down on nearly half a 1000000 people in a province surrounding beijing after an increase in cases there are structures are also being tightened in the british city of life sister where new infections accounted for 10 percent of all cases in england this week businesses will be closed from today and schools will follow suit next week the e. U. Has named 14 countries whose citizens it deems safe to let in from july 1st australia canada and japan are among those countries the us brazil and china are not on the safe list. Well the future of europe after the pandemic that was the main topic as german chancellor Angela Merkel and french president emanuel met in berlin this was their 1st face to face meeting since the pandemic hit back in march the 2 leaders were eager to show that they were united on a multibillion euro plan to say its crucial they say excuse me is crucial to guarantee the e. U. Future the greeting was distanced because of coronavirus but warm nonetheless it is not by chance that the man who is the 1st foreign leader to meet with chancellor merkel since the virus crisis began the pair spearheading a 500000000000 euro proposal for rebuilding europes economy off to the pandemic these are 2 leaders who want to Work Together and be the driving force for europe. If this gets going on that we understand that europe is not united nearly because germany and france agree but when germany and france disagree it does not look so good for unity in europe so perhaps we can find agreement on many questions and make a contribution and give a positive impulse to new things in the right direction for europes future just because to figure all pieces even theres germany prepares to take over the presidency of the e. U. On the 1st of july america is more central than ever to the future of the block the french president for his part wants to be seen to be injecting his own energy and ideas into the tandem he brought with him from paris a proposal for a new environmental levy and he spoke of how European Values have prevailed during the pandemic. Across europe there has been an open and transparent debate from the start i think as citizens should be aware of what that means in many other parts of the world some more severely affected by the virus than us the assistance of both individuals and companies has not been as massive far from it and in many places the epidemic has been synonymous with the suspension of democratic life but not here in europe mccarthy. Cole has been weakened by his partys poor results in local elections on sunday medicals handling of covert has boosted her support even though the plan to transfer funds to struggling countries in Southern Europe is a huge huge turn which not all in the party back but as they try to convince some reluctant e. U. Members that they have the right recipe for recovery fronts in germany want to make sure theyre pointing in the same direction lets get more on that now we are joined by our chief Political Correspondent melinda crane in berlin linda merkel asking for solidarity and support for the rescue fund not all you country is are on board to put it mildly can they find a compromise. I think the chances are pretty good that they will do so 1st of all tactical reasons the chancellor is known as a very skilled and pragmatic negotiator and she has one strong thing going for her e. U. Leaders will be meeting in mid july for the 1st time live and in person if all goes well and diplomacy like most other forms of human relationship does work better when its conducted in person so i think those are 2 factors that speak in the chancellors favor but far more important for the success of this deal is the fact that the main objectors the socalled frugal for thats denmark sweden. Austria and the netherlands they are small open economies they absolutely depend on the euro and the survival of the European Union now we often hear this is europes moment of truth its survival hangs in the balance the reason for that is quite simply that northern and southern member countries are diverging ever more as you know the southern sun southern Member States were hit very hard by corona their economies looks set to contract by as much as 11 percent this year germanys by only around 6 and a half percent so thats a wide divergence that means that the Financial Markets will put increasing pressure on the economies of the Southern States and on the euro itself if the bloc doesnt show real success at coordinating its recovery meantime we have other issues also on the table Climate Change for example of creating a greener economy also on the agenda at the meeting of these 2 leaders what are we expecting specifically when germany is taking over the e. U. Presidency when it comes to environmental issues. Well both macro and her environment minister have expressed a very strong commitment to climate protection and Green Recovery that the chancellor saying back in april we have to have climate protection in view the whole time we were planning this recovery and build back better so i think that there is a real understanding about also with the European Union commission the question will be can the chancellor withstand the pressure from her strong industry lobbies at home melinda crane and berlin our chief Political Correspondent thank you. And lets get a quick check of some other stories making news this hour venis well as president Nicolas Maduro has ordered the European Unions and bassett are to leave the country if it comes hours after brussels locked sanctions on several officials loyal to the president more than 50 countries including much of the e. U. Recognize Opposition Leader wanted why go as venezuelas interim president india has banned 59. 00 chinese mobile apps including ticktock and we chat citing National Security and privacy concerns the move comes just weeks after a border clashes between the 2 neighbors which resulted in strained diplomatic relations and the u. S. Aviation regulator has started test flights of boeings troubled 737. 00 max the plane has been grounded since last year following 2 clashes which killed more than 340 people investigators blamed faults in the Flight Control system for the incidents with the test flights aiming to evaluate new upgrades. A german investigators are working to identify thousands of possible suspects involved in vast online Child Sex Abuse Networks authorities found at least 30000 new leads while tracing internet chat room activity linked to pedophile cases in the Western State of north rhinewestphalia theyve already charged 7 people and hope that the latest trove of information will lead to further arrests. They watch footage of babies being abused of perpetrators targeting children its part and parcel of the work of this Police Investigation team and its not just videos the perpetrators also Exchange Information with each other online death leave. Reading these messages about abuse the way it is written i dont think you can rationally understand what is actually happening there. The investigators arent finding paedophiles acting alone theyre uncovering a vast network perpetrators exchanging information about how to sedate children and arranging meetings to carry out to be used together investigators have counted some 30000 leads its an uphill challenge for the judiciary. By it makes me feel nauseous we are talking about something on an unprecedented scale. These perpetrators are using all the tools the internet has to offer that the thousands of suspects include sympathizers supporters and accomplices in addition to the abusers themselves investigators and prosecutors have spotted a pattern like minded people often meet online and spur each other on you have chats we found conversations in which one person says i could not bring myself to abuse a child and then 5678 people on the forum offer advice on how to actually do it this shows that inclinations to act can be strengthened through forums and chat rooms internet. 120 caseworkers are employed by the Investigation Unit so far they have positively identified 72 suspects and hope further analysis will lead to more within we will see an even greater number but im worried whether well even be able to evaluate this data evaluate it fast enough to protect children because this is a Bottomless Pit for 7 months now investigators have been evaluating the data the more they search the more horrors they find. Horrors indeed were going to turn now to some Business News because shares of german payments processor wire card jumped 155 percent on monday to 3 euros 26. 00 per share the share price is still over 90 percent down from a few weeks ago the company filed for insolvency last week after disclosing that almost 2000000000 euros disappeared from its books wire cards former c. E. O. Marcus ron has been arrested and was charged with false accounting and market manipulation. And joining us now here in the studio is clifford couldnt from a business chelseas elaine is also standing by at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange where she is our financial correspondent i dont see other you are Chelsea Chelsea who is buying the shares. Well we really dont know at this point this is theres a lot of speculation and to this stock of why were seeing it surge so much over the past couple of days but when you see a stock decline as steeply as dramatically as wire car does from around 100 euros a couple of weeks ago to under a euro you start to get some sort of nonsensical movements in the market one theory for why were seeing this big run up is and sort of a crude market term terminology it could be a dead cat bounce which is something that happens a lot when stocks fall really fast really hard you get a lot of investors trying to cover positions people who had been borrowing stock and trading with that stock they have to buy back the stock to close out that position so thats one reason why we might be seeing this fake increase the other potential reason that investors are discussing is that there may be interest in buying parts of this company theres been a couple of reports about other payment processors and europe being interested in buying some some parts of wire card business so that could also be another reason why were seeing this absolutely certainly a lot of activity when it comes to the dealings with wire card and figuring out what exactly has happened here clifford financial authorities are looking into that we know singapores for example Financial Authority is doing so so listen there well singapore is the asian headquarters for war cards and what its doing is expanding investigation that began in february of last year which was a criminal investigation that has been expanded where the Monetary Authority is looking others i think its what theyre seeing is that its a great Financial Model its a great Business Model unfortunate markets case it seems to follow the rules and its its really brought a spotlight on to regulation and the how this industry is is regulated because in asia particularly wireless payments are particularly common in popular but in some markets the card result brazing the regulations werent there to make sure that the ma. It was going into the accounts that it was supposed to so were going to see now in the different markets is expansion of the probe into how wired are card where these 2000000000 missing 2000000000 went speaking of things that are missing the chief operating officer has now disappeared where is the trail leading well its murky young marsala was last seen in the philippines. According to filipino for being government he said he was going they were he was going to china. But theres again its unclear because there was no flight to china from where he was and said who in the philippines on that particular day so we and if hes going to china its going to be obviously considerably more difficult to track him so its murky situation at the moment regarding the c. E. O. And also in the hot seat chelsea with this this scandal is really putting not only the company in the hot seat but also. Germanys dax index under scrutiny for missing warning signs regulators and whatnot as well how are things planning to change. Arsing just a lot of talk about how this happened how so many agencies had so many people missed this sign we are so all seeing we are also are seeing a lot of calls for changes in regulations one of the actions we are seeing already is that the banking regulator bof and which has gotten a lot of criticism for not catching this this fraud before they likely will see more power to regulate accounting accounting investigations through it throughout germany but we also are seeing other agencies and other private institutions private Companies Like the dax operator the borza they also are looking in to ways that they can have stricter oversight of the companies within the docks because this is really a big problem for germany it makes it and makes it more difficult for companies for investors to trust that the money that theyre putting into germany is safe a lot of Big Questions how could they missed this any inference for the for including here in the studio thanks so much to both of you for bringing us up to date. Well south africa has gradually relaxing its coronavirus lockdown restrictions but some of the countries minibus taxi drivers say that the rules arent being used fast enough one union is taking action to get money back in its drivers pockets at the risk of both drivers and passengers health. Reports from cape town. Its for millions of commuters in south africa obeying physical distancing regulations is almost impossible public transport is mainly comprised of minibuses no nest texas since the beginning of the pandemic theyve been allowed to operate only at 70 percent capacity but on monday the drivers Largest Union announced it was abandoning that limit. To the government to most of. The way we used to because he doesnt want to give us money was always opposed to garwood the koran. Oh most of the dead were all trying to make a living we still love the vines are waging wars there was still love to play in the worlds the government has offered to drive as a one off compensation amounting to 250 euros per boss until it all of almost 70000000 euros but drivers say thats not enough things are tough for passengers too and this minibus terminal in cape town people do regularly disinfect their hands but no ones checking distance regulations or whether people are Wearing Masks you know do we go to the boys and do we going to the way you go you need to go. Where you can so you can get really into it for you because white stains out if you can you can see the open even then the a. V. O. Its not properly on thing that because its not the things that we love you know. You can look you know actually you can if youre very very dangerous irresponsible. Say they shouldnt be packing your thank you god this time doing this and i religiously and south africa have been warning about the high risk of the spread of the virus inside those mini buses and here this mini bus then the drivers are divided whether it is a good idea to operate at full capacity or not. Many drivers wants to stick to the regulations as not the responsibility go games ago when you know that i would rather go i will get people to help people get what they will because you dont know weve got to buy it of you have to go to your family cape town this v. A. P. Center of the pandemic in south africa unions are set to hold talks with the government over the next few days but if regulations dont change the union sworn they will bring public transport to a standstill. Now we had some football news goalkeeper gianni jiang luigi bill phone and defender Giorgio Chiellini have extended their contracts with the talent giants eventis for more for one more year now wolf on returned to your van tests last summer after spending one season with french side youre not used in a reserve role the 42 year old world cup winner has made 13 appearances since returning meanwhile club captain killian a has become a name stay since joining in 2005 event is hope that both players can help lead them to their 9th straight the title. The residents of a city in thailand have got their hands full with gangs of hungry monkeys tourists are staying away because of the pandemic so the bananas that they have used to give the monkeys are no longer keeping them fat that has forced the monkeys onto the streets desperately looking for something to eat and its causing trouble. At 1st glance these could almost be scenes from a zoo fearless primates ruled the town center of rock but really in central thailand the city is famous for its ancient temple ruins and for its population of around 2 and a half 1000 mechanics for years City Residents have had a love hate relationship with their long tailed neighbors the monkeys attract tourists but theyre also prone to create mayhem since the pandemic business is almost completely dried up for those selling monkey food to tourists. Were now seeing the impact of covert 19 for months everything here was shut down now visitors a slowly starting to return but they dont buy much the monkeys are really hungry. Locals say the situation has never been so bad. I cant look away for a 2nd if im not sitting here to take care of the shop they come in open the fridge take drinks and steal snacks from us is really difficult living with the monkeys. I got bitten by a monkey jumped on my head and bit me i had to get some shots afterwards everyone living around here must have been taken at some point a big or small wound every one. Of these escalating clashes have now caused wildlife officials to step in over the last few days theyve captured hundreds of monkeys on the streets of la brea to have them sterilized by state veterinarians. 1st the animals need to be sedated. Once theyre unconscious theyre shaved and given a tattoo to indicate theyve been neutered. Then they have to go under the knife the plan is to sterilize 500. 00 of the mechanics by August Wilson said a man a good if the monkey population were to increase even more rapidly the more animals we have the greater the number of conflicts people have with them i dont want to see the monkeys getting hurt and those conflicts and so what were doing here is about protecting them i think that as well as protecting peoples property. Past. The day after their procedure the monkeys are released back into the city after old lot but i really would not be the same without its monkey business. Youre watching the w. News thanks for joining us. Good. Luck to the miss mysteries of. The brain still the relegation. Zone stuff like should come up. Just above definitely out of the most militant islamist movement. Sandra spreading ever fall across morocco. The way season the song used to sustain cross parity even in the deserts of. Climate change is hastening this terrifying transformation. Of people here are desperate to find a solution. Moroccos endangered away sees close up. In 60 minutes on d. W. My smile is most. Likely. To face he. Did you not even she painted me. Am. I the most amazing of those who look at me. My and say. I am an unsolvable bridges. The secret of mona lisa starts july 3rd d. W

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