Would like any information on the chrono larysa or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast you can get it wherever you get your pod cast you can also find us at twitter dot com slash science. Its the year 2020 through the decades weve increased our ability to organize and change the world around us. Advances in Food Production mean that she even as the worlds population explodes nobody should be going hungry. Modern medicine means most of us are living longer healthier lives and yet all the signs couldnt protect us from a pandemic. But a closer look will tell us its because of our way of life that were vulnerable to new Infectious Diseases not in spite of it. And its that same way of life that is that you mess up for further outbreaks. Welcome to our coverage not in special here on the w. News i want to get jones in berlin good to have you with us was so advanced was so clever and yet a tiny virus can course hover around the worlds deadliest new never takes a look at just how we got here cold with 19 is an unprecedented Global Health emergency in many ways but the emergence of the new disease is also part of an alarming pattern Scientists Say the number of new Infectious Diseases in humans like sars mirrors and covered 19 has risen dramatically over the last decades a study showed that the number of emerging Infectious Diseases in humans almost could drupal to between 1942000 especially large spike in the 1980 s. It was attributed to diseases linked to the h i v aids epidemic if you sat down systematically and counted the number of new infections that we have identified it has increased greve created the circumstances on earth. Like we continue so whats causing the rise of new Infectious Diseases in our world today and how to humans contribute the reasons are very but theyre all intertwined so lets take a look at some of the main. Population sites. There are more and more of us on the planet. When the spanish flu broke out in 1918 there were around 1800000000 people across the globe at the 1970 s. There were already 3700000000 of us in the past 50 years the global population has more than doubled and its projected to grow. Even further by 2050. More people also means we live closer together this makes human to human transmission of viruses easier as we spread out on the planet. Human interference with nature more people have led to an increased need for land and Production Capacity the result a rise in deforestation and Land Use Change worldwide for industrial agriculture logging and mining urbanization. This means humans coming to increase contact with wild animals that may carry Infectious Diseases also Natural Habitats are destroyed driving animals into sub urban areas where they encounter people and livestock. Studies have linked deforestation to increases in malaria infections in the Amazon Region and to the outbreak of ebola in west africa. Mass consumption of animal products. More people also means we need more food and intensified farming as average Global Wealth has increased so has the consumption of animal products higher demand means more mass animal farming which increasingly looks like this animals are squeezed together over long periods of time in an extremely small space as farming intensifies so does human to animal contact and transporting these animals internationally elevates the risk of a virus spreading around the world but its not all bad news in the past century researchers have developed better tools to detect research and develop treatments and vaccines for diseases making many of them far less deadly like hiv or virtually eradicating them like smallpox in a rather as it looks today there is no way around new diseases emerging we will have to learn to fight them and the coronavirus pandemic is teaching us how one you need a Strong Health system we also need to continue investment in basic science and in fact in Development Even in the absence of an epidemic and we need better Surveillance Systems that integrate information about humans into animals. A professor freedom of it is director and chair of the institute for. Justice live it university guess where he focuses on veterinarian metson 1st of all its good to have you with us and let me start by picking up on that last point that was mentioned in our report just now wade said we need better Surveillance Systems that integrate information about humans and animals can you give us an example where such a Surveillance System already exists and discovered a disease and prevented it from spreading. I could give you a very very known example actually that it doesnt entirely prevent the spread but certainly like to have prevented a lot of great debts influencer and this is done and read year every year in france or strains in china because of 8 by the w. H. O. And this gives us a chance to predict what kind of influence or strains are coming over to the other countries and this gives us i saw us about half a years time to manufacture tailor made vaccines this would not be possible without this Early Warning system so thats an example from you in medicine if you will and dr. Yeah yeah i get it but it seems to be what working perfectly well what needs to be improved in order to get a better idea about the health of animals and humans. Well all i think is a poor porton to test like oh everything if you want to know it depends on what do we want to look at is there the known viruses for these we can test very in a target of men none of im known ones for this is a bit more complicated for this we need to wait for disease to come up if you want so in this report we also heard about the role of bio diversity and how humans interfere with the well its how big a role does bio diversity play for our health. A very big role of course and for myrons its bit complicated because if you have a huge repertoire of different animal species that means you have a huge repertoire of different viruses and some of them have the capability to jump into humans others not what the more different species you have to have a chance on but once you have a virus which directs very well then different animals and queue lengths or just in different animals and it mutates all up that its better to have a small of a variety of specious but many different individuals of it so it can go through like through more quality and were obviously doing an awful lot in order to to lower the amount of biodiversity around us now renowned to primatologist jan goodell actually blames covered 9000. 00 on our exploitation of the Natural World she said that we brought this on our selves does she have a point that. She definitely has a point i mean this is. Simply about the chances of getting into contact with exotic viruses and they come from exotic animals and went to meet meat exotic animals so this is for example on these vet markets in china or when theres a bush meat market in africa but even it doesnt need to need to be necessarily exotic because this is like inflow and so for example they come from picks and birds which means birds means chicken and ducks or from cattle they have caught measles once so its always the same when you come in close contact to animals you may have never met before then. You get a virus from them you know at so theyd be well advised to change our behavior just a little bit professor they have a from the institute of allergy in decent thank you so much for your time youre welcome. Mr and. And talking of time its not time for your questions he is our science correspondent derrick williams. Rule the new infections due to social distancing norm violations or in spite of following them. Id say both some people are of course going to be infected with the virus as a direct result of ignoring lockdown rules theres been a few high profile cases where thats happened recently like a belgian prince who came down with coke in 1000 after going to a party in spain but but sticking strictly to social distancing rules like staying 2 meters away from others doesnt mean youre completely protected among other things were still learning about how long exactly the virus stays airborne the latest indicator is that tiny drop aerosols that that could potentially carry the virus can remain suspended in the air in enclosed spaces for for over 10 minutes so although there is lots of evidence that social distancing rules lower your risk sometimes significantly nobody is saying they provide any ironclad guarantee. Do i have to clean packaging on products be full storing them at home. I get asked this question all the time because we all have to eat right and since you dont know whos handled those groceries you just picked its easy to worry about how much of a danger that they might pose but although source code of 2 appears to remain viable on some surfaces for up to 72 hours most experts at this point dont recommend that you disinfect packaging because it appears to pose quite a low risk but of course its still a good idea to wash your hands thoroughly after shopping and putting away your groceries. And of course Derek Williams will be back tomorrow to answer more of your questions so if you do have a question and please post it on our you tube channel ads to keep up with the latest developments on the coronavirus you can also subscribe to our newsletter just go to d w docs kong slash corona dash newsletter. Well havent spoken earlier of the overlapping human and animal worlds he has one more story its about a rare humpback whale spotted along the st Lawrence River in Montreal Canada hundreds of kilometers away from the open ocean it was 1st sighted a few days ago but experts say the longer it stays in an urban area and in fresh water the more distressing it could be for the animal and heres hoping it finds its way home soon. And i was out at 19 a special for today im monica jones in berlin for me and the team thanks for watching and see you tomorrow. Tara cina a popular coastal vacation city in italy. But how are things there this year the full time job the hotel and Restaurant Owners are concerned that the corona restrictions have led to fewer guests and higher costs its not the only place on the talent riviera thats facing the challenges. Of some kids on the road. Next on. Into the conflict zone to sebastian. Even before the coronavirus pandemic lebanons economy was plummeting through the floor joining me from beirut this week is the countrys foreign minister nazi 50. To go shades educate me for assistance what guarantee is going to give that his government is any better than the previous was conflicts of. The sixtys teetotal. Like. Oh. My god says love was. For the russians so. Steep. For so many different walks of life. Sung. And oddly tried but on the come straight from the heart. The rush you determine to get charged to maintain the d. W. Me. Hello and a warm welcome to focus on your old palace show and its great to have you with us summer is just around the corner here in europe and normally that will be the time when people pack their bags and fly or drive to their holiday destinations but with the travel restrictions the social distancing and facemasks this summer it will be very different from previous ones many people are spending the holidays at home

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