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In some parts of india are getting the blame for the virus outbreak. Im christine want to welcome to the program u. S. President donald trump saying hes healthy americans will be able to get back to work as soon as local conditions and while mr trump has set out a path for a phased return to normal daily life in the United States he stays open it will be done one careful step at a time but he also said that the american states free of the virus can open in his words literally tomorrow. These are just some of the 22000000 americans signing up for Unemployment Benefits only a few weeks ago the u. S. Could boast record employment numbers the booming economy. As President Trump signature achievement but the coronavirus wiped out 3 years of gains in a matter of weeks now trump says its time to start gradually opening up the economy again our approach outlines 3 phases in restoring Economic Life we are not opening all at once but one careful step at a time and some states will be able to open up sooner than others to lock down would remain in places like new york the epicenter of the pandemic theyre all stories of ordered shops businesses and schools to remain closed for another month but other areas with declining infections and strong testing could ease restrictions the end goal a return to the way things were this is not going to be a new normal where somebody has been having for 25 years 150 seats at a restaurant and now hes got 30 or hes got 60 because that wouldnt work thats not a normal normal will be of he has the 158. 00 or 68. 00 seats and thats going to happen and its going to happen relatively quickly we hope but with food banks reporting skyrocketing demand its increasingly ordinary americans who are struggling to put food on the table as the coronavirus look down takes its toll. Now president s trying to plan gradually reopen the u. S. Economy can only be implemented if infection rates stabilized but to get accurate numbers the u. S. Needs to do far more testing. Its washington correspondent and its on a phenomenal explain. From said today that the curve has been flat that that peak is behind us but the problem is that experts agree that the you asked so knots testing enough there are not enough testing kits we learned today that 3500000. 00 tests were completed but its just about one per cent off. The population and to understand whole scope of their pandemic in the us its really important to have this white strips testing and this is crucial for reopening the economy and thats still not the case in the u. S. According to experts. China appears to have turned a corner when it comes to the corona virus but the full impact is only starting to emerge when it comes to the spread of the corona virus the severe lockdown there has been if to mark not china released its 1st quarter g. D. P. This morning a drop of 6. 8 percent its the 1st Science Evidence in january and february this year. Chinas economy has virtually come to a screeching halt car sales at 1st dropped and then plummeted down 21. 6 percent in january then down 92 percent in february according to the China Association of automobile manufacturers. Their Industrial Production also contracted. Dropping 13. 5 percent in february year on year. The chinese are once again venturing outdoors many workers have returned to the factory and businesses have reopened but it will take time for Global Supply chains to recover especially since other large industrialized nations are still in lockdown and theres little demand for goods and supply parts from china. The impact will be felt everywhere given that chinas share of the global g. D. P. Is almost 19 percent more than double what it was during the sars epidemic of 20022003. Its still too soon to make reliable forecasts but the International Monetary fund anticipates that this year will see the worst global recession since the Great Depression of the 1930 s. With the recovery only starting and 2021 and only if dependent mic is under control by then. Now heres a quick roundup of developments around the world the chinese city of han with corona virus 1st protocol has raised its death toll by 50 percent the revision brings the total number of bits in the city to almost 4000 that to be the most in china now that comes as frances president emmanuel question chinas handing off the outbreak speaking to the Financial Times happened in china that we dont know about it fizzles president has fired his Health Minister after clashes containing the virus. Have favored social isolation while also nora has played down the threats and the german state of the various ses minix annual beer festival october faced is unlikely to go ahead this year. Now indias 1300000000 people off way through a 6 Week National lockdown the government insists that the restrictions are key to breaking the chain of transmission but the battle against the virus also has religious dimension. Spawning all his travels to the Northern City of merritt to find out why muslims are being blamed for what some locals are calling corona jihad. 3 more weeks of lockdown of businesses closed of restricted movement. But these men are fuming about Something Else abdul rashid a shop people in the Northern City of me that says islamophobia in india is that all time high. He squarely blames the indian media. Corona has arrived this is what they say when they see muslims moderate theyre beating us you shouting at us saying here comes corona is this a way to behave so if there is a limit to our patience the discrimination started after an event by the kids or mot and islamic sect was recognised as a kid on our wireless hotspot many who attended the gathering in delhi became called 19 carriers across India Several Media Channels were quick to claim that this was a deliberate attempt to undermine india some even alleging good or not jihad. These allegations have also had a severe Economic Impact moment if the us would normally travel to different neighborhoods hawking has with some of these were predominantly hindu. Now people refuse to let him in so when everyone is turning so away the residents say dont sell food here go back to your own neighborhood. Police are stopping us tonight beating up. These muslim vendors can now only sell goods in their own majority muslim neighborhood business has dried up elsewhere and were not rumors are circulating about malicious intent. Locals here at us fighting the ports of multiple incidences of muslims entering neighborhoods and spitting in them to spend the corner at us residents here are standing guard and barricading gates to prevent this from happening. Even lead us from the ruling b. G. P. Have claimed that members of the leakage of mots sect have deliberately spread the wireless youre going on about india should have been free of coronavirus by now but in denmark but these members this connected like a suicide bomber. These suicide bombers them should face the strictest possible legal action is it going to be punished in a way that generations to follow will be to afraid to commit such crimes. The allegations the sect testbed the virus on purpose are still unfounded bought fewer and go across communities. For these men their religion has become an added burden during the long lockdown. And im now joined by the tallies that an independent columnist based in daily habits. Does the religious discrimination some indians in the Muslim Community off facing surprise you. Not at all its discrimination against the Muslim Community in india has been the hallmark of this government since it came to power in 2214 and was reelected in 2019. And i think one of the things of this crisis that is Health Crisis has review is that this government is both authoritarian and unprepared and even in the middle of this crisis it cannot prevent it so from from communalism the situation with the good losing of large sections of the press and the police and unfortunately it has managed to polarize vast sections of society and has the has a great amount of social support in its discrimination towards muslims. Has the government done anything anything at all to dispel some of the rumors and the fake news that have been spurring the islamophobia in the country. Well the Prime Minister has asked that everybody support each other but unfortunately instead of dispelling a lot of the big news. The. Members of Parliament Even as well as beautifully members have been spearheading some of that and. For example there was a. Member of parliament who has called article 14 which. Which guarantees equality before the law he says its actually should be an equality of equals and that muslims are not in the category of equals. Being members have called muslims coronato wrists called it a valley bonnie crime you call them human beings they have a sort of vendors of vegetables and fruits they have encouraged people not to. Not to fraternize with will slims its a sort of. 360 degree discrimination operation from the government so not much has been done to dispense it. All right thats the independent columnist Nick Talley Saran in new delhi talking to us there thank you. Thank you. Now its been more than a month since the last match was played in the bundesliga and with the season still suspended indefinitely football fans are missing their beloved sport but many are tapping into the team spirit to help at this last struggling in the lock down. The own usually quiet east berlin home open is a good club when youre here local football fans are doing their best to help their community during the Coronavirus Crisis and. We set up the giving fans so that the homeless or families who maybe just dont have that much money can come and collect things like sanitarium products not a good time we wanted to create a platform where people can come and take what they need because a lot of other facilities are closed at the moment and wish to take trust not giving friends was just the start of the supporters efforts they also collecting handmade face masks to donate to caregivers and essential workers after they heard the mosques were in short supply. I think im young you know so much as i was thats lucky we got together and decided to try and combine our strengths there are a lot of us who are sitting at home at the moment but we hope that those people can do some sewing with their families keep their children entertained and see it as a Little Family project. As well as keeping kids busy the funds are helping to secure the supply of essential items and with their home sewing god anyone should be able to put a mosque together started out so its on everybodys got some fabric lying around at home and the kids dont have much to do at the moment so why not sit down with them and have a go at it together its good fun ive got 2 left hands and even i managed it. With 500. 00 mosques collected so far these local friends are making the most of their football free time. Now as everyone says these are strange times so strange in fact that even the mysterious street artist banksy has just given fans and or a glimpse of his private life he is on his instagram site shows rats driven crazy by the locked down on the loose in his bathroom and see writes my wife hates it when i work from home its. A common theme and often portrayed causing mayhem. Interesting to me there is no shortage of toilet rolls in banks. And this is news from but then you can always get the latest. On dot com thats all its that you can also follow us on twitter and instagram too were at. News im christine what about the fact that the top gallop for myself and the team thanks for joining us. Combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and news. Hour corona update. That 19 special next on d w. Every journey begins with the 1st step and everyone reaches the 1st word im going to conclude the coax in germany to. Mr why not get on with him. Its simple online on your mobile and free. V. W. Zealand in course because freak german mading see. The World Health Organization is facing growing criticism not just from the u. S. President has the w. H. O. Been handling the pandemic as well as it could or have there been short comics before we address these questions lets have a look at what the w. H. O. Is and what is within its record. Health for all that is the primary goal of the World Health Organization 7000 employees work for the Specialized Agency of the United Nations. Will provide guidelines on Healthy Living for example on the prevention of diabetes or the dangers of smoking. The Organization Also said standards such as in Quality Control for food or medicine or with regards to water or air pollution. It promotes the development of Health Systems in developing countries and the production of vaccines. In the event of a crisis such as coverage 19 its role does not extend beyond assessing the Global Situation and giving recommendations w. H. O. Has an annual budget of around 2000000000. 00 to compare the United Nations Childrens Fund spent 3 times that amount in 2018 welcome to this edition of cover 19 special here on the news im chris its good to have you with us the number of global Coronavirus Infections has surged past the mark of 2000000 and fighting a pandemic in real time makes an accounting of potential missteps difficult but as the outbreak progresses there are people calling upon the World Health Organization to explain past actions in dealing with. And december 31 2019 chinese authorities told the World Health Organization about a mysterious flu like illness spreading in the city of one han 2 weeks later the w. H. O. Published a tweet it would soon be haunted by preliminary investigations conducted by the chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human to human transmission of the Novel Coronavirus identified in new han china. The next day a man flew from move on to the u. S. Becoming the countrys 1st case it would take another 2 weeks before the statement from the w. H. O. Im declaring a public roads emergency of International Concern over the global outbreak of novel. Coronavirus cases around the world snowballed at an alarming rate blowing past 2000000. 00 as of today u. S. President donald trump under heavy criticism for his handling of the crisis sought to level blame at the w. H. O. He accused it of failing to hold china responsible and of withholding early Vital Information our countries. Are now experiencing and look all over the world. Tremendous death an economic devastation because those tasked with protecting us by being truthful and transparent failed to do so. Dealing with a pandemic in the present weeks looking back at past taps difficult but as the death toll mounts so do the calls for accountability who should have behaved differently and when the w. H. O. Know me over the world some answers. Now we would have liked to talk to a w. H. O. Representative about this issue but he canceled the interview on short notice so were grateful to be joined by. Senior researcher on governance for Global Health at the Berlin Social Science Center welcome to the program ana we just saw in the report it took the w. H. O. One month after it 1st learned about the right virus in china to declare an International Public Health Emergency and declared the outbreak a pandemic on march 11th was the organization too slow to act well i guess we are seeing accusations of inappropriate slow or risky responses to their coverage 900 and then everywhere last with regards to how the u. S. And the u. K. Have been initially dealing with the outbreak so why would we assume that an organization thats made up of 194 Member States that has virtually no sanctioning power a very small budget and a huge mandate is free of the power politics that surround this m. And amec of the power politics that we can witness nationally internationally so the doubly ajo is like all other International Organizations the handing on reliable information from its Member States on contagious outbreaks of contagious diseases and its also heavily mocked of course by socalled health the promise the that is attempts by the most influential Member States and that includes the United States and china to push through this the interests not only in times of crisis but always so theres i mean that the w. H. O. Did not get the proper data from the chinese. Well its always a very sensitive. Issue particularly when were talking about. Infectious diseases that have a potential to develop into pandemic weve already seen that doing the sars outbreak in 200220038 is it happens very rarely that International Organizations that depend on the Member States for financing for support openly criticize such particularly individual Member States for their behavior so its a very what we have seen as i can over a typical behavior of an International Organizations and i think its also a rather bizarre and naive picture of International Organizations that we assume theyre somewhat beyond a politics. So the criticism that not only the u. S. President donald trump has voiced regarding this behavior of the of the w. H. O. But has been echoed by other governments around the world theres some merit to it. Well youre pushing me to make a specific argument i would say yes the International Organizations that are that large and that have that little autonomous power are very prone to reacting slowly weve also seen that governments have reacted slowly even though they may have more they obviously have much more Decision Making power so it is undeniable that what we have seen here in the context of the dobie job but also the why the United Nations system is a struggle between the United Nations and United States and china ok over like that with or a team these organizations and that includes of course also that we are seeing the chinese trying to take advantage of the w. H. O. In that situation yes ok and lets talk money lets talk financing the u. S. Says its freezing its share of the w. H. O. Funding 116000000. 00 annually how big a blow is this. Well i mean its seems extraordinary because we are its now all over the news but its also of quite typical behavior for the United States in order to put pressure on International Organizations and its also. The so the so now its like this big threat of freezing the funds it has done this before in the 1970 s. For example when the w. H. O. Moved to the us health for all of gender that you just mentioned in the teaser ad was accused of being a communist organization bed all countries in the world have. Very much reduced their regular budgets to the w. H. O. Which means that it has been lost in the tone of me over the past 2 decades roughly and is that a problem theyre losing autonomy financial autonomy. Well it is a problem its a problem because it gives the organization very little leeway in setting its own priorities it makes its sceptical too powerful states that then push in and try to capture the organization and also it leaves the boy thats very often then filled by for example private philanthropy and like the bill and Melinda Gates foundation and that are then beyond any kind of parliamentary or democratic control so this is this is not typical to that average or were seeing this everywhere in multilateral organizations at the moment and i was proud of the Berlin Social Science Center thank you for speaking for just dont. Think next up for your questions the one about the coronavirus pandemic that youve been sending us and the man to answer them as our science editor derek williams. Is math testing for coded 1000. 00 a better approach and then only testing for severe cases its grown increasingly clear as this pandemic progresses that the countries that took fast action have had the most success at keeping death rates down and a key measure they implemented early on was testing as quickly and as widespread as possible because we still have no treatments testing only severe cases at this point mostly only provides us with statistics like how many people cope with 1000 has killed from among the total number of people who have tested positive for it widespread or mass testing on the other hand has the potential to be a powerful tool for for prevention if youre able to detect cases through testing before people even begin showing symptoms you can limit their contact with others and really cut the number of other people they give it to so mance testing is a goal that many countries are now setting but of course its also quite a tall order in terms of the resources that it will swallow. Is it true that 3 variants of the virus exists and if so how are they different. Viruses of all this they spread through populations often quite quickly thats what for example has kept us from developing an effective vaccine for hiv and it would actually be strange if the source code too wasnt changing and and theres evidence that it already has a recent study led by researchers at Cambridge University identified 3 different variants of the disease in 160 patients with one type most common in asia and the other 2 mostly found in europe and the us the 3 types very. In terms of their Genetic Signatures armed with information like that an important next step will be to determine whether those and possibly other variants affect different populations in different ways and the data might even help us predict future global hotspots. And that wraps up this edition of covert 19 special for more on the band that make visit our social Media Channels on our website at www dot com which has information on covert 930 languages now before we let you go well take you back to where it all supposedly began a wet market in warhawk in china is thought to be where the coronavirus 1st jump from animals to humans for the uninitiated what markets selling wide range of Fresh Produce some fall though not all sell the markets were shattered during the lockdown but have now reopened a controversial decision in the theme still ongoing and thanks for watching take care. When others give up. Natalia keeps on fighting. Many russian mothers are in similar situations. Their sons have run afoul of the countrys arbitrary justice our only hope is protest. And shes not a long. Shot except this time of. Next on t. W. A. Crime fighters are back africas most successful radio drama series continues this season the stories focus on hate speech color of prevention and sustainable charcoal production. All of a sows are Available Online and of course you can share and discuss on africas Facebook Page and other social media platforms. Crime fighters to name no. Ruins. Symbol of a long conflict in the philippines between the muslims and the christian population. Structures occupied the city center to the president to churches was. Different will never be book called. The reconquest turned into tragedy this is not the kind of freedom that we want. Coded morale when you become a gateway to islamist terror. An exclusive report from a destroyed city. In the sights of bias starts may 20th on d w. L o and a very warm welcome indeed to focus on europe with me peter craven and we begin in Vladimir Putins russia a russia that tolerates little in the way of protest and those who do have the

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