The Dutch publication stated that “so far, the cabinet was always careful” to speak of the issue.
The parliamentary majority approved the motion submitted by the Christian Union (ChristenUnie).
According to ChristenUnie parliamentarian Joel Voordewind, it is over 100 years since the genocide and Armenians are still feeling threatened by Turkey. He added that last year, Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan supported Azerbaijan in their fight against Armenians in Nagorno Karabakh. “This aggression must be stopped”, Voordewind said.
And a majority in parliament - PVV, CDA, SP, GroenLinks, SGP, PvdD, 50Plus, FvD, and independent MPs Henk Krol and Femke Van Kooten-Arissen - agree that acknowledging the genocide can help promote reconciliation and prevent another genocide. “That is why it is first of all very important that countries speak out clearly. A large majority in parliament calls on the Dutch government to finally do this”, Voordewind said. The motion will be put to the vote in the House of Representatives on Tuesday afternoon.