July 10, 2021 6:11 AM
Associated Press
Corey Williams
A retention pond at a stormwater park near the new Stellantis Detroit Assembly Complex on the city's eastside is shown June 30, 2021. The park is a greenspace reconfigured to filter rainwater runoff before it flows into sewer systems.
Corey Williams
Detroit's Water and Sewerage Department has installed bioswales and other forms of green stormwater infrastructure, shown June 30, 2021, along a boulevard on the city's westside to lessen flooding that has plagued neighborhoods for decades. The features hold and slowly release rainfall into sewers.
Corey Williams
etroit's Water and Sewerage Department has installed bioswales and other forms of green stormwater infrastructure, shown June 30, 2021, along a boulevard on the city's westside to lessen flooding that has plagued neighborhoods for decades. The features hold and slowly release rainfall into sewers.