therefore compromised him, therefore in a position to put the united states over a barrel because they had their national security adviser by the you know what. so that's new. mr. mueller telling us today that there are many el pts of the fbi who are looking at different aspects of that issue right now. i should tell you, currently, we know from the appendix to mueller's report that there are a bunch of ongoing cases that we don't know the names of. in the appendix d to mueller's report, remember, there were 14 cases that were described as criminal matters from mueller's investigation that were ongoing. they're all blacked out, we were not able to say what they were. one of the cases that was listed in that appendix, however, by name, wasn't blacked out, was a case that was described as transferred to other prosecutors was the case of mike flynn's business partner, bijan kian. he was flynn's former business partner. just yesterday, he was convicted on all counts by a jury in