Thank you, mr. Chairman. Welcome, everyone, to the last gasp of the russia collusion Conspiracy Theory. As democrats continue to voice this expect tackle on the American People as well as you, mr. Mueller, the American People may recall the media first began spreading this Conspiracy Theory in the spring of 2016 when fusion gps, funded by the dnc and the Hillary Clinton campaign started developing the Steele Dossier, a question of outlandish accusations that trump and his associates were russian agents. Fusion gps, steele and other confederates fed these theorys to naive reporters and top officials in numerous government agencies, including the fbi, Department Of Justice and the State Department. Among other things, the fbi used Dossier Allegations to obtain a
warranty to spy on the Trump Campaign. Despite acknowledging Dossier Allegations as being salacious and unverified, former fbi director james comey briefed those allegations to President Obama and president elect trump. Those bri
Thank you, mr. Chairman. Welcome, everyone, to the last gas of the russia collusion Conspiracy Theory. As democrats continue to foist the spectacle on the American People, as well as you, mr. Mueller, the American People may recall the media first began spreading this Conspiracy Theory in the spring of 2016. When the fusion gps, funded by the dnc and the elder Clinton Campaign, started developing the Steele Dossier. A collection of outlandish accusations that trump and his associates were russian agents. Effusion gps, steel, and other confederates and to top officials in numerous agencies, quitting the fbi, the apartment of justice, and the state department. Among other things, the fbi used dusty allegations to obtain a
warrant to spy on the Trump Campaign. Despite acknowledging dusty allegations as being salacious and unverified, former fbi director james comey briefed those allegations to President Obama and president elect trump. This briefings conveniently leaked to the press. Laun
therefore compromised him, therefore in a position to put the united states over a barrel because they had their national security adviser by the you know what. so that s new. mr. mueller telling us today that there are many el pts of the fbi who are looking at different aspects of that issue right now. i should tell you, currently, we know from the appendix to mueller s report that there are a bunch of ongoing cases that we don t know the names of. in the appendix d to mueller s report, remember, there were 14 cases that were described as criminal matters from mueller s investigation that were ongoing. they re all blacked out, we were not able to say what they were. one of the cases that was listed in that appendix, however, by name, wasn t blacked out, was a case that was described as transferred to other prosecutors was the case of mike flynn s business partner, bijan kian. he was flynn s former business partner. just yesterday, he was convicted on all counts by a jury in
matters, i think, than anybody who has worked with him in the past appeared to have expected in terms of his appearance today. there had been the justice department threat ahead of today s testimony that mueller shouldn t tread outside the bounds of his report and he shouldn t talk about uncharged third parties and shouldn t talk about any decision-making processes and he did reference those boundaries at times today, but he surely went outside them at times, as well. and he did so in ways that it seems to me, point these sort of neon big bright arrows towards what we couldn t and didn t get from him today that it now seems fairly imperative to chase down. given the unrelentingly dire descriptions he gave about the president s conduct and the conduct of the president s campaign and its ongoing implications for the country. seems like they gave us two big directions today that feel imperative in terms of what we try to figure out next and the paths that we next follow to try to get to
director mueller, meeting with him wasn t enough. sharing internal polling information wasn t enough. mr. manafort went so far as to offer this russian oligarch tied to putin a private briefing on the campaign, is that right, sir? yes, sir. and finally, mr. manafort also discussed internal campaign strategy on four battleground states, michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania and minnesota with the russian intelligence-linked individual, did he not, sir? that s reflected in the report. it s clear he hoped to be paid back money he was owed by russian or ukrainian oligarchs. that is true. would you agree, sir, that manafort s contacts with russians close to vladimir putin and his efforts to exchange private information on americans for money left him vulnerable to blackmail by the russians? generally so, that would be the case. several individuals associated with the trump campaign were also trying to