it by calling his lawyer a liar in testimony with the special counsel. >> what's privilege? if the core question is did mcgahn tell truth or lie about the request to get rid of mueller, and mcgahn has talked about it under oath in a report that's public. and the president is now just ripping him over it. what left is secret and privilege? >> i don't think anything. you're right. rolling it back, we have the president originally says, go up there and talk and he knows that they do it and he gets annoyed when he finds out how much they did. then his hand picked attorney general who basically was doing whatever trump wanted him to do. he approved the release of that information and now we have within hours the president himself accusing, not just accusing mcgahn of lying but also, disclosing the conversations. as he says it is which very few of us believe. if i was mcgahn's lawyer, he's been up there testifying and i