situation room with a phone at all, whether it was recording or not. so, a lot of different layers here to peel back. >> eli stokols, what is your sort of view on this as somebody who has covered the interactions of this white house? are you surprised by john kelly's conductor by the fact that this phone was in the situation room? or is it actually just how business is done? >> no, i mean, the omarosa episode of this presidency is the least surprising one that we've seen yet, right? this is a reality tv president, we have a reality tv contestant. they put her in the white house. she was fired in season one. like, what do you think is going to happen? the fact is there has never been any process or protocol in this west wing. that's part of it. and so in a normal administration it would be shocking that someone like omarosa would be in the situation room with a recording device. >> or just in the situation room at all. >> exactly. but this is not -- you know, when the white house comes out