what do you make of that? what's your take? >> i think we have to be careful on the houuse of language. there is no question, this was a betrayal. it was a betrayal of american values. it was a betrayal of american government. it was a betrayal of what you would expect the president of the united states to do. i agree it's unlikely congressional republicans are really going to hold him accountable. but there is an element to this that is significant. katie, you have pointed out that the one thing that donald trump fears and hates the most is to look weak. and yesterday, he looked weak. remember when conservatives used to describe people who looked weak on foreign policy as surrender monkeys? that's what donald trump looked like yesterday. he looked like a surrender monkey. he looked weak. he looks survile. and that cuts against his brand. remember, he's supposed to be the guy on the white horse. the guy who's going to solve all