another part of this article which i know you know so well. but i want the audience to hear this particular athat mike pence has of communicating according to mckay koppens, who has watched him do many, many of these speeches and who says he just hung up the phone with donald trump and he always chuckles a little bit after he says that. and the way mckay koppens reports it, it almost as if in that brief barely perceptible moment pence is sending a message for those with ears to hear that he recognizes the absurdity of his situation. that he know just what sort of man he is working for. that while things may look bad now, there is a grand purpose at work here, a plan that will manifest itself in due time. how did you interpret that, david? >> well, what mckay is describing we've all seen. if you watch that clip where john dickerson of cbs asks vice president pence about the russia collusion, pence gives exactly that same warm chuckle before