progressive change all across this country and all across this world. >> virginia has told us to end the divisiveness that we will not condone hatred and bigotry. and to end the politics that have torn this country apart. >> what's interesting, john brabender and congressman is that the issues we're all watching, besides trump was this issue of the confederate statutes. three out of five people in virginia, and that includes all races obviously and genders and everything, was for keeping the statues the way they are. they don't want any changes. they don't want anything taken down. yet that was the position of gillespie, the republican, the position of the democratic candidate, northam was get them all down. thousand how he started. >> what that says to me, the voters, that's where i am on this issue. but did not vote on this issue. >> i think that's right. it does not a dispositive issue. but i do want to go back to gillespie and trump. gillespie didn't know who trump