i think so. i'm going to have to check that tape. >> beauty of being us is that we interview people for a living so we're is never really ashamed. >> we do. i'm glad he said davos and not davos. >> people there say davos. zblit would have put me over the edge. >> by the way, he gave me a hundred ruble note he just printed in honor of the olympics but it's worth $1.68 l. >> you were swimming in caviar together. >> no. >> one of the americans' greatest allies in the middle east saudi arabia is in crisis. let's dig into that. the crown prince rounded up his rivals including powerful investors in major american companies like twitter and apple. next, how this story could affect you, your 401(k), your banking, even holiday gas prices. stick around with us. you are watching "velshi & rhule" where else? msnbc. whoooo.