with shoulder pain when... hey joanne, want to trade the all day relief of 2 aleve with 6 tylenol? give up my 2 aleve for 6 tylenol? no thanks. for me... it's aleve. we'll be right back. every reporter in washington right now is chasing the story tonight about special counsel robert mueller convening a grand jury in washington, d.c. as part of the trump/russia probe. the story was broken by "the wall street journal" and then followed up by "the washington post." now "the new york times" has weighed in citing several lawyers involved in the case, "the new york times" reports that the special counsel has, quote, issued subpoenas from a washington-based grand jury in recent weeks. at least some of subpoenas were for documents related to the business dealings of michael t. flynn, the retired general who briefly served as president trump's national security adviser. so that part's new. the "times" reporting differs a little bit regarding the grand jury itself. the times says mr. mueller has not impaneled a special grand