did the president hurt his leverage overseas? especially in the persian gulf with arab leaders by note using force against assad back in 2013? >> i think what we have to look back to 2013 is to see that, in fact, what the president did working with secretary kerry -- and i was part of that effort as well -- was to get chemical weapons out of syria, which was very critical. because if we had this situation now where assad had chemical weapons, we would have an even more dire circumstance. but i think the point today, andrea, is that we have to be as secretary clinton has said about resolve, not about fear. that's what america is about. and the president and, quite frankly, the democratic candidates, have talked about a multipronged strategy, not just slogans. slogans are not a strategy but it's multipronged strategy that not only defeats isil but stops recretement, stops financing of isil, make sure we take care of this not only for the immediate but the long term as well. america matters in the world. our leadership matters in the