>> bring the termites in and play with them and let them run around with our cells. feed them apples, lettuce, take care of them. >> it's like the best companion i ever had. >> a lot of the guys that we ran into have probably never had anybody, you know, to love, or anything or anybody to love them. and, you know, we you run into somebody who is, you know, adopted a gopher, and it gives him some sort of outlet for affection, it's got to be a good thing. >> but we found a very different case of inmate creature bonding inside california's san quentin state prison. >> i'm mike miller is my real name. and the staff here call me bird man of san quentin. the first day i got here at san quentin, the birds seemed to have flocked to me for some reason. and i don't know, they probably think i'm the bird man of alcatraz.