in a commanding lead in many cases. it makes sense that he would get more questions, and frankly, because he's spoken in these generalities. of course he would get the follow up questions, as you said, pinning him down on some specifics. i think chris wallace specifically did a good job on that. let me also say something about rush limbaugh, because i, i'm writing a book right now about the conservative movement, and, you look back at someone like william f. buckley who really sort of policed the far right. he was able to excommunicate the frifrng elements. and eric erickson, i give him a lot of credit for standing up and saying that what donald trump said is inappropriate. he wasn't, he was, you know, kicked out of the red state gathering. and i wish that rush limbaugh would exercise that same sort of moral authority. he has a huge audience, a huge megaphone. if rush limbaugh stood up to

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Questions ,Specifics ,Course ,Lead ,Cases ,Generalities ,Sense ,Job ,Someone ,Something ,Rush Limbaugh ,Williamf Buckley ,Conservative Movement ,Book ,Chris Wallace ,Fox Needs Donald Trump ,Lot ,Credit ,Eric Erickson ,Elements ,Frifrng ,Audience ,Sort ,Megaphone ,He Wasn T ,Red State Gathering ,Moral Authority ,

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