aircraft erickson disinviting trump. red state gathering. that was bad judgment you don t kick guy when he is down i don t like that. i absolutely agree. it took paul ryan longer than me to get on board with president trump. donald trump could have vetoed that bill. i agree. paul ryan should have told him to. there was not enough in that bill to justify and put everyone on the loin with. i agree you have to understand that the senate and the negotiation gave us not the military money and 63 billion dollars of nondefense deceptionary spending. your colleagues know that this was a mistake. they know it. we have a heart breaker. anyway we can condition for another segment. still to come. the ryan kid celebrating. i love them they are great
trump at 23 points followed by ted cruz at 13% and ben carson at 11%. new numbers come between the feud exploded into verbal warfare over the weekend. starting with trump on fox news and megan kelly over her questions for him at dat bate. after trump said of her there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever in an interview on friday, he found himself uninvited from the red state gathering, a conservative conference, hosted by influential blogger and radio host eric erickson. i think it was inappropriate. i really think it was inappropriate. i ve got my wife here, i ve got my daughter here, i ve got 800 friends of mine here. it s a family-friendly program. that decision brought to you by the same conservative figure who s called michelle obama a marxist harpy wife, and feminists being too ugly to get a date. trump parted ways with key
ridiculous questions. and you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever, but she was in my opinion, she was off base. and by the way, not my opinion. in the opinion of hundreds of thousands of people on twitter. because it has been a brutal day n. one way, a great day for fox. and another day in the twitter sphere it has been very bad because she has been badly criticized. shortly after that remark about megyn kelly donald trump wassin disinvited to the annual red state gathering in atlanta. he later tweeted he was talking about blood coming out of kelly s nose. what does this mean for his campaign? joining me a panel. i appreciate all of you joining us tonight. let s have a great conversation about this. okay, so, maria, you first.
in a commanding lead in many cases. it makes sense that he would get more questions, and frankly, because he s spoken in these generalities. of course he would get the follow up questions, as you said, pinning him down on some specifics. i think chris wallace specifically did a good job on that. let me also say something about rush limbaugh, because i, i m writing a book right now about the conservative movement, and, you look back at someone like william f. buckley who really sort of policed the far right. he was able to excommunicate the frifrng elements. and eric erickson, i give him a lot of credit for standing up and saying that what donald trump said is inappropriate. he wasn t, he was, you know, kicked out of the red state gathering. and i wish that rush limbaugh would exercise that same sort of moral authority. he has a huge audience, a huge megaphone. if rush limbaugh stood up to