>> dude! >> sit down! i'm not a dude! >> he takes the skateboard. but then eric drops the dreaded "d" word one more time. >> i didn't do anything, dude. >> the officer turns around. >> don't call me dude! >> this time, he gives the boy a lecture. >> first of all, you disrespected me, this badge, and my department. you understand me? when i'm talking to you, you shut your mouth and you listen. >> and a vocabulary lesson. >> stop calling me dude! a dude is somebody who works on a ranch. >> when eric's mother sees the video, she's outraged and files a complaint with the police department. >> sit down. sit down! i'm not a dude! >> if he thinks that eric did something so bad that he felt he needed to attack eric, he should have arrested eric. i would rather he arrested eric than attacked him. >> the police officer, a 17-year veteran of the force, is suspended. a more violent episode of police crossing the line in missouri. it starts as a high-speed chase. several police officers pursue a