on january 12th, 2007, he's getting ready to head up again and joking from behind the camera with his next passenger scott. >> ready to go? >> i'm set. >> did you see my last one? >> no. >> good. >> good. because his last jump helicopter been perfect. that was when thuma got the first surprise of the day. his main parachute developed a tension knot in the lines as it unfurled. >> so the lines have slack in some stage. so they went through themselves and created a knot like this. >> you're always prepared for your main parachute to go wrong. >> about 1 in every 1,000 jumps that happens. >> thuma cut away the main parachute and deployed his reserve. . >> i landed on the ground thinking i had my bad luck for the day. >> but the day isn't over yet. less than an hour after his first parachute problem, thuma