who choose not to enroll can actually affect the cost of those who do choose to enroll? >> certainly, a risk pool needs a balanced market, so you need people who are older and sicker to be balanced with people who are younger and healthier. that's how a pool works. >> at what point are we going to see a problem vaccihaving the r pool if the tech problems are entering? >> well, again, sir, we will be monitoring during the six months of open enrollment as will our insurance partners, who is coming into the pool. that's why we want to give this committee and others reliable, informed data about not only who it is but what the demographics are and where they live. that's part of our target. >> if things aren't better by the end of this next month, at what point are we going to start thinking about further delays and imposing penalties? >> again, i think that having a defined open enrollment period is one of the ways that you then make an assessment if you have a pool that works or not.