life. that's what happens, you know? but it come with this prison [ bleep ], man. kids don't see that [ bleep ]. they see money, they see this, what money can get me, but they don't see the consequence of the actions that come with it, until it's too late, you know? you can't really experience [ bleep ] until you living it. >> me personally? i really don't have no problem with anybody. i may believe in my own set of personal values, but i mean i'm not going to -- i don't hate other people because of who or what they are. >> but there is one type of person that joshua coffey doesn't tolerate. and now one week away from his release, that intolerance will keep coffey in prison longer. >> right now we're watching a video of an assault that happened in p-house unit. right here you see offender anderson walking up the steps and offender coffey walking up behind him and they're preparing to go into a cell and assault someone.