because there were no other witnesses to the entire fight. but the second thing that establishes george zimmerman's claim is his wounds, the actual blood on the back of his head, the nose, the bloody nose, and that sort of thing. you also saw john guy today try to take that apart. they showed the same picture that mark o'mara used very effective will be i have to say, during the defense presentation, and they say, look at this guy. does this guy look like somebody who has to fight for his life. look at his nose. does that look like it's a life threatening injury? and it also had the effect of showing a fitter george zimmerman, not the sort of pudgy, soft guy you're seeing there, but someone who looked a lot tougher. so i think the prosecution needs to take down not just his statements by saying he was false in other things, but they also have to take down what is really the strongest defense evidence and that's the bloody nose and the bloody head. >> i'm going to ask the panel to please stay with me. much more to talk about coming up. what evidence did the jurors find most compelling?