particularly after redistricting has made a lot of safe districts for the republican majority. it's very difficult to draw a map and look at it and see how they pick up those 17 seats. then again, we're getting used to some pretty big swings in the house. >> no doubt. >> and not all anticipated. >> thank you. >> it happens. >> thank you. >> you gene robinson. thank you, jonathan alter. up next, it's happened yet again, the right wing falls for another story without checking into whether it's true. this is "hardball," the place for politics. her recipe with sharon, who emailed it to emily, who sent it to cindy, who wondered why her soup wasn't quite the same. the recipe's not the recipe... ohhh. [ female announcer ] ...without swanson. the broth cooks trust most when making soup. mmmm! [ female announcer ] the secret is swanson. thto fight chronic. osteoarthritis pain. mmmm! up next, it's happened yet . today, you will know you did something for your pain. up next, it's happened yet