the recession is to be an exporter. i want to thank democratic sherrod brown for joining us from ohio this morning. >> thanks, chris. >> chair woman, sheila bair, now the author of bull by the horns fighting to save many street from wall street and wall street from itself, joy reid and ro khanna and now the author of "entrepreneural nation: why manufacturing is still key to america's future." thank you for joining us. the nfl gives america a clear example of why unions matter up next. this: when the unexpected happens, there's one brand of battery more emergency workers trust in their maglites: duracell. one reason: duralock power preserve. it locks in power for up to 10 years in storage. guaranteed. so, whether it's 10 years' of life's sunny days... or... the occasional stormy one... trust goes a long way. duracell with duralock. trusted everywhere.