since it could not be sung on the radio, it became freak out, you mean bouncers. tonight, the republican party is doing a smpectacular cover of l freak with vice presidential candidate paul ryan playing the role of the mean bouncer at studio 54. sadly, there was no awesome bass line, but a lot of ah, freak out on the record. please stay tuned. ving a heart . my brother doesn't look like a heart attack patient. i'm on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i'm a fighter and now i don't have that fear. here at the hutchison household. but one dark stormy evening... she needed a good meal and a good family. so we gave her purina cat chow complete. it's the best because it has something for all of our cats! and after a couple of weeks she was part of the family.