argued reagan would embrace gop's points telling "talking points memo, "he didn't have a republican house committed to not raising taxes as president and had a pre-reagan senate. this is the republican party that reagan created. that he envisioned." let's turn to joan walsh, editor at large for welcome to the show, joan. >> thanks, michael. >> is grover norquist engaging in some revisionist history here, joan, that really misses the point of what we clearly saw reagan doing? >> well, yeah, of course he is. of course he wants to claim reagan for this party that he's created that has brought the country to the brink of a debt crisis and continues to mire the country in a terrible recession, michael. he needs to say, ronald reagan wanted that. ronald reagan would have endorsed that. but i think it's actually more interesting to look at what jeb bush is doing because while he's declaring his independence from grover norquist and his party,