record to thump his chest about. and you can't honestly say with a straight face that when you're looting companies you've invested and you've skimmed off all this money by virtue of loading them down with debt and having them go bankrupt, that is not a successful record. >> you don't loot companies. i got money from venture capitalist and private equity folks to start a business. these are the folks that take a risk. they give you capital so you can build a business and hopefully if you work hard, the business succeeds, and you make some money. that's what mitt romney did. that's a good thing. that's what the american dream is all about. >> no. the steelworker in youngstown, ohio, is the notion that mitt romney and his cronies would have walked away with tens of millions because guys just like that steelwork got hosed when their company got shut down. that's not private equity, that's a perversion of capitalism. and that's what, i think, is going to be effective as this rolls out for the obama campaign. we'll see. >> is the striving for the