health care. as a result, those things which i think were significant achievement, he got no credit for. >> ever time i'm driving and i see a big sign on the side of the road that says this improvement project funded by the american recovery act, which is the name of the stimulus project, i tend to think of that as cutting both ways because on the one hand you are trying to attribute a tangible benefit to taxpayers. >> i know what you're going to say. >> at the same time the reason someone is seeing that sign is because they are sitting in traffic. >> what i would have done, i would have got a mascot. put him right on the side. number two, i would add jobs created by this revitalization project. boom. big letters right underneath it. >> can we interpret on this gas pump deregulation issue the insurance rebate cover letter? these other things that are happening to put the kangaroo on these policies. do you think that's a sign the administration is getting better at messaging and trying to get credit for some of the things they have done that aught to a

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