kelli brophy, the life insurance, and tom richardson's three different tales of how juanita died. >> we had three uniformed troopers approach him first to arrest him. >> it came on february 6th, 2007. the charge? first-degree murder. but with only circumstantial evidence, could the prosecutor make the charge stick? coming up -- a husband on trial as prosecutors present disturbing pictures from a not-so-perfect marriage. >> i've heard him call her a dumb b-i-t-c-h. >> he always acted like he just despised her. >> but was that a motive for murder? ♪ ♪ you and me and the big old tree ♪ ♪ side by side, one, two, three ♪ ♪ count the birds in the big old tree ♪ ♪ la la la [ male announcer ] the inspiring story of how a shipping giant can befriend a forest may seem like the stuff of fairy tales.

Related Keywords

Tom Richardson ,Murder ,Kelli Brophy ,Charge ,How Juanita ,Life Insurance ,Circumstantial Evidence ,Tales ,Troopers ,February 6th ,6 ,February 6th 2007 ,2007 ,Three ,Husband ,Perfect Marriage Wasnt So ,Prosecutor ,Coming Up ,Pictures ,Prosecutors ,Trial ,Charge Stick ,Side By ,Motive ,You And Me ,Bi Tc H ,Story ,Announcer ,Two ,One ,Fairy Tales ,Forest ,Birds ,Shipping Giant ,Stuff ,La ,

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