smiley show, tavis smiley, and princeton university professor, dr. cornel west. they are co-authors -- co-hosts, sorry, of the radio show, "smiley and west." they went on a poverty tour this summer and are hosting a discussion tonight called remaking america, from poverty to prosperity. thank you both for joining the show. i want to first, dr. west, get your thoughts on mitt romney's comment that issues of income inequality should be discussed in quiet rooms and that this is really all part of an envy-oriented, attack-oriented approach. >> no, i think that's going to be one of the subject matters that brother tavis is gathering tonight on c-span. we're going to talk about the difference between righteous indignation and envy. working people, poor people, for the most part, do not have envy for rich people. they have righteous indignation, because they're suffering. they're hurting. they're in pain. and when investment bankers were suffering and hurting, they got a bailout. that's called socialism for