continues to bomb gadhafi's forces and weaken them. >> stephanie gosk in libya. thank you. daddy's partner, randy, came to the door, and he always told mommy if something happened, they would not call, but they would bring somebody to the door in person. when she saw them, she freaked out, because she knew it was a bad sign. >> the children of 9/11, and the special follows a year in the lifef of the children directly impacted by the terror attacks. i will talk to one woman who lost her dad on that day. plus, it was known as the arlington oak, and the tree that stood beside jfk's gravesite for decades could not stand the wrath of hurricane irene, and detate d more details ahead. time for the "your business entrepreneurs of the week." this couple build playgrounds in north carolina, but hit hard by the recession, they let the employees go and moved into a