classrooms. you've got tens of thousands of sanitation workers and police officers and firefighters who actually will be there on the job because of this bill. >> the republicans have been insisting that every single spending measure be paid for, even the emergency spending bills like the extension of the unemployment insurance, the long-term unemployment bills and such. but this thing is paid for. is there any valid criticism of it, other than perhaps it's not doing enough? >> no. i mean this is paid for. the idea that republicans or anybody would criticize this bill because it closes loopholes for multi national corporations that want to send jobs abroad is absolutely ludicrous. the congressional budget office and the cbo has been a very good neutral arbiter, says that not only is this entirely paid for, but it actually reduces the long-term budget deficit. >> the larger ongoing issue of unemployment, what is your analysis of it? what's your forecast? what more needs to be done? >> oh, keith, i wish i could be upbeat about this. i really want to be.