>> all right. >> of course, the story we were just talking about with nancy and peicabo street, lindsey von, you heard picabo said she expects the big superstar, lindsey vonn, to participate in all of her events. that's good news. >> that's great news, mika. of course that would certainly help get the olympics started right for the united states. of course that, and it would probably be good if they had weather more fitting of a winter olympics than like a british open. 42 degrees and rain blowing sideways. this is british open weather! >> yes. willie still looks cute in his parka. >> his canadian parka. the thing is if he doesn't love america, he should just love. if he doesn't want to wear the red, white and blue. >> it's company issue. >> company issue. that's the old nazi thing. i was just following orders. all right. thanks, willie. >> thank you, willie. we are here now with the managing editor of "time" magazine, rick stengel, who will