relief of many "lost" fans. >> curious to see what or who jacob s. >> exactly. answer some questions. they haven't written the season finale yet there is time for input, i would say. >> we watch too much tv and go to too many movies. that is what i discovered. thanks, courtney. on to a more serious topic we are following, a convicted rapist has keys to 50 different apartments and access to dozens of potential new victims. this guy was already cop vikd a convicted sex offender. now some tenants claim he is trying to shake them down for sex. and the obama administration moves to eliminate the military's don't ask, don't tell policy. going to talk with a retired army colonel who thinks this is the wrong move for our country. so is campbell's healthy request soup. low in fat and cholesterol, heart healthy levels of sodium, and taste you'll love. guy: mmmm! chef: we're kind of excited about it. announcer: campbell's healthy request.