this meeting with the campaign advisor who has pleaded guilty. and is cooperating with special counsel robert mueller. abc's chief investigative correspondent brian ross tonight. >> reporter: the attorney general of the united states jeff sessions is being accused tonight of hiding the truth. >> he either has a terrible memory or he is deliberately not telling me the truth. >> reporter: all based on new information about what happened at this trump campaign meeting chaired by then-senator sessions. according to court filings this week, foreign policy adviser george papadopoulos, seated between sessions and donald trump, told the group "he had connections" with russia that could help arrange a meeting between trump and vladimir putin. yet sessions twice testified no one in the campaign was involved with russia, first in january. >> senator franken, i'm not aware of any of those activities. >> reporter: and then again last month. >> i don't believe they occurred. >> reporter: an aide to sessions disputes the papadopoulos account, but another person at