therapeutic. >> i wrote a book called "beauty equation," and it was really using photo therapy to inspire people to feel better about themselves as a result look better. >> reporter: where is the line between being confident and narcissistic. >> it is not feeling you are better than the next person. when you look at the picture you are like that's me and i'm happy. >> reporter: nigel says you start with what is on your mind not the look on your face. >> why are you taking the selfie? >> reporter: i want to say, look, i'm in this cool place with nigel. >> immediately you got a smilie face, you stay in the moment, and boom. there you go. there you go. that was beautiful. >> reporter: that was good. spontaneity is the final secret. >> one, two, three. >> reporter: it doesn't just make good selfies, spontaneity is the spice of life. i am juju chang in new york. >> all right. we don't want to be left out of the selfie nation. we asked all you guys to send us your selfies, you responded.

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