interesting to see if that funding stays at the same level. after president trump's term, nader was receiving $130 billion a year as a result of the push on certain countries. three countries are meeting the 2% minimum. canada, the u.s. and the u.k. we have that number at ten countries. mainly the baltic states, feeling that threat from russia. whether or not that stays at 2% will have to see. president biden in his conversation today said they were going to continue to get the funds coming in and jan stoltenberg said he was clear he was grateful for the 400 billion plus that have come to nato during the trump years. stoltenberg is leaving quite soon. he hasn't been shy to speak his mind and say it's been a positive thing. biden has been here first and foremost to show his commitment to nato, to say that america is back. it's going to be interesting to see whether or not that passes onto the other nation-states