arms. so that is why again, this visit shows that we are as serious as we can be about negotiations that strengthens the hand. >> jason: china will have to be a part of the sam russia as well. really quickly, charlie, the one thing you learned from secretary pompeo. >> it was so interesting to hear them talk about the way that donald trump approaches this in an unconventional way as dan pointed out. this is a president that is willing to spend political capital in willing to achieve a huge victory. and you do not see that in most politicians. most politicians the only capital they spend is to get themselves reelected. this is a guy who is willing to spend it to accomplish big things. >> jason: if you want different results, you have to do things differently. that's why the president is successful. dan, charlie, thank you. we appreciate you joining us. chaos in the streets of portland, oregon, with antifa attacking yet again another conservative. trace gallagher will be here with the report. in tomi lahren and pam bondi