because i built it in the most difficult circumstances before in the middle of a war, i led troops in combat as a marine platoon commander over four tours in iraq or my fundamental job was to bring together this incredibly diverse group of americans from all over this country, different religious beliefs, different political beliefs, and get them united behind a common mission to serve america in the middle of a very divisive time, a war that many of us disagreed with. that's the leadership we need from the next president of the united states. >> bret: you're talking about bringing people together but you told "the washington post" in this interview that you called president trump unpatriotic because he received a deferment to the vietnam war. he has a warped view of patriotism, you said. anybody who didn't serve in vietnam is unpatriotic? or specifically is president? >> i think that if you lie to get out of the war, that makes you unpatriotic, especially knowing that -- it's not like