if you got a good thing, do you want to mess with it? >> and to your point and jonas' point, you both make great point. neil: i think mine are greater. >> nobody want today see bill go. despite, there were impeachment process started. the president right now is hedging, trying to make sure if something does go wrong and you know, the economy, we slip into recession or, you know, god forbid the economy falters a little bit, it's not his fault or this isn't something that he has to do with, it's something else having an impact. neil: democrats are trying to find an alternative. and ed markham is speaking at had elizabeth warren event and he was with congresswoman cortez earlier with the green deal and what they're effectively saying, we can do better. the average person can do better, the planet can do better if we go democrat. >> and they told you in part of green new deal, it's fine if you